Thursday, September 5, 2019

Jason Turns 2

 The little dude turned TWO!
We kept his birthday very simple, partly cause he's two, and I was pregnant. :) 
 Jason's Latest:
-Starting to walk up the stairs holding on to railings
-Drinking from a cup -almost there
-Overcoming some eating challenges, like cucumbers, peaches, lettuce and some pasta. (does not like spaghetti!) 
-Started walking at 18 months, and is now pretty much running
-Pushes himself down the slide
-Still says three words - "mom" (which can mean a lot of things...haha!) ball and boo for book
-Signs - "more" "thank-you" "please" "water" "eat" "bubbles" (not all voluntarily - working on that but repeats well)
-Working on signing - "again" "bath" "crackers" 
-Does actions to "My God is so Big"
-Folds his hands when we pray
That grin :) 
Oma and Opa got him this basketball net, which was the best gift ever! He loved it and started playing with it right away. 

We had breakfast for supper. :) 
The party
Katie helping him with his cake. She did the decorating this time - which I was quite thankful for!

Yup - he liked it. :) 
So thankful for this guy and the two years we have been given with him.