Friday, March 13, 2009

Other tidbits.... :)

A couple days ago, for the very first time, we saw Hammy kick. :) All of a sudden, "boing" and my stomach "boings" up and down. :) It was so cute! That was the day I felt had felt the baby move the most because I was sick, so had been lying down most of the day... that baby has the ability to be an active one. :)

James fixing the kitchen sink at the chapel - he's the resident plumber. :) I have his number in case I have any problems too - he's that good.

Well, that's about it for now - work is going well-love having Nelly around for this week, and we're enjoying spring and winter weather back and forth....and we're getting quite excited about Anne-Marie and Charissa's upcoming visit in about a month or so!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you,
    I'd like to see more entries; I love reading this :):)
    -Loren :):)
