Saturday, August 29, 2009
Our Trip to Alberta
We left on the 12th of August for a trip to Alberta - Katelyn's first flight. She did so well. Because it was a full flight, James and I were a few rows apart which was too bad, but I at least got to experiance flying kind of by myself - in preperation for the trip home. (James returned back to Ontario earlier than I, so I could spend a few more days with the family)
James and his girl flying west.
At long last, Anne-Marie finally got to meet her newest niece!
We stopped in at Grandpa and Grandma's place in Milk River, so they could meet their newest great-grandaughter. We did get a picture of 4 generations, but mom must have it, so I'll post it another time.
Grandpa... :)
So special to have my daddy hold his little girls' girl. Treasured those moments.
Auntie Charissa's first meeting of the little peanut.
That evening, Andrew, Rebecca, Karina and Daniel came over for supper before Andrew had to start harvest. James and Andrew - holding each other's babies.
Mommy of two, auntie to tons. :)
James spent a few hours with Andrew on the combine so they could visit - as Andrew had to miss a bunch of the Fehr Family reunion...too bad how it worked out, but God knows.
Farmer Andrew.
Auntie Heather meeting Katelyn -lots of pictures of first time meetings here. :)
Playing with the nephews and nieces.
Darling Katelyn all bundled up for the chilly weather we had that weekend. Doesn't she look just adorable in pink?!
I couldn't believe how huge Daniel was. I knew he was a big baby, but I was surprised! What a cutie.
The 7 orginal Fehrs.
Originals, being unoriginal.
All of us Fehrs/Heikoop :) siblings.
We went for a walk overlooking Writing on Stone together - Us three.
All the girls...
All the younger girls -minus Katelyn and Cam and Lisa's girls.
We had a fun picnic at the park, and lots more pictures were taken. The Fehr kids on the famous bent over tree.
Climbing around the hoodoos.
Last time James and I were there, we were 'courting' - so much better to be married and there. :)
I love this shot - cousins adoring Katelyn.
The ladies of the church were so sweet to put on a baby shower for Katelyn. Rebecca organized and hosted it for both Katelyn and Nathan Jon (Jon and Sharla's little boy). It was special.
The two cousins, holding cousins one removed (or second cousins to each other) Hope Nathan and Katelyn will be good friends like Jon and I were growing up.
Bethany holding Kate - Bethany made Katelyn some crocheted booties -so sweet.
I was so thrilled that I could see Eva at the shower. It was very sweet of her to come all that way.
The two showered moms with their adorables. (Sharla and Nathan)
Charissa, me and Kate.
Then came the moment I was dreading, saying goodbye to James for a week. I was really glad to stay a bit longer, but sad to let him go home alone. It worked out super though, as Reid W. was able to take him to Calgary for us, as he had been down for the wet and rained baseball tournament the day before.
Playing Jungle Speed late one night. It is similar to 'Match the Penguins' which I loved, so it was great!
The three munchkins. I love the girl's smiles...Daniel was a bit outnumbered. :) Katelyn and I went over to Andrew and Rebecca's one evening to spend some hours together which was great.
Karina playing her violin, which she plays at the Fehr 'concerts'. :)
We went for a walk outside - the Fehr Family outside their home.
Us and our children. I tried Rebecca's Ergo on Katelyn, and she tried my wrap on Karina. :)
For her baby shower, Katelyn was given a swimsuit (from Lisa Fehr) and so we had to 'try it' out in a pool one day. Rebecca and the kids came over and we had fun. :)
Katelyn didn't mind too much - it was a bit colder than her bath, but we had fun.
The day before Caleigh and Stephan's wedding, a bunch of us went over to help get food ready. I had a great time visitn with Erin (that's her little girl, Hope on the floor - Kate's in the buggy) and seeing different friends. (and tasting watermelon...sigh...)
The day of the wedding...Katelyn got her bath.
She is absolutly precious. :)
The wedding! It was such a beautiful ceremony - outdoors in a white tent, with a beautiful bride and dashing groom, and gorgeous bridesmaids. :) (Charissa was one of them, and watching her come down the asile was lovely :) My sister is all grown up.
After the ceremony - Jon and Sharla with their Nathan and my girl.
At the reception we girls got a picture with the Neufeld girls. :) They stayed at my family's home that weekend so we had fun together.
Us four girls.
The beautfiul bridesmaid.
And the rest of the beautiful bridesmaids - l-r: Ariana (getting married in 4? days) Cuz Emily, Charissa, Moriah and Kendra - sister of the bride.
And the very happy couple!!!
I got some time in to visit Alisha R, which was so special. She's been such a blessing to our family with all the hours of help with music/sound stuff. She helped do sound at the wedding with my family too.
Kendra and I waiting to say goodbye to the couple.
And here they go - Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Casson, about to leave on their honeymoon. :) A cute way to leave with everyone cheering them on.
Grandma and us - so glad I got to see them a few times while in Alberta - never know how much longer we'll have on earth together.
And the last picture for now... Anne-Marie and I. The next afternoon, mom and the girls took us to Calgary, where we stayed with good friends Laura and her husband Tim. Early the next morning, Katelyn and I headed back to daddy and James - and so happy to be reunited again! So thankful for the family back in Alberta, my family here in Ontario, and my precious James.
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