Monday, February 15, 2010

Family Day!

It's been a while since I wrote anything on here, mainly because I lost my camera in Toronto... so without pictures, I don't usually do a lot on the blog. I do hope to get my camera back, thinking I know where it might be located...but until then, writing will have to do. If you think of it, you can pray that it will be found. I'm missing some of Katelyn's precious moments... :)

But it's Family Day, the day I can officially blog about our new little one that will be (Lord-willing) arriving in September! I think most everyone knows about the baby, but just in case, there's the news! We're so excited, and it will be a lot of fun to have two little ones to occupy life at home. Katelyn and the baby will be 15 months a part, so they hopefully will be good buddies. I've been feeling really sick, which I try to remind myself, that's a good sign. :) But somedays, it just isn't easy. But He never gives us more than we can handle with His grace!

We just returned from skating this morning - Katelyn's second skate. :) All bundled up in her pink snowsuit, she's a definite cutie. Now to clean the house and enjoy a day together! Happy belated Valentines Day as well. :)


  1. Kate will be a good li'l hockey player! :)

  2. Too bad about your camera...hope you can another one soon so you can keep sharing your little Kate!
    And Elizabeth, I stopped to pray for you now - it is so hard being sick as emotions seem to go downhill with nausia (at least MINE seem attached to my stomach!) ;)
    I do hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. HALA! I can't Wait for the new little bun to be ready in the oven! :)

  4. So happy to hear about the new little one! We are expecting in June and he/she will be 15 months younger than Emma.
    I know exactly how you are feeling, what with a little girly needing your attention but feeling tired and gross at times too. I realized a few weeks ago that there is a 3 month gap in Emma's baby book. Just can't do everything! :) You'll be in my prayers.
