Wednesday, April 27, 2016


 I had all five of the kiddo's back with me alone for a couple days before my mom came to help us in this "transition mode". 
Katy was dressing these two up for a picture - apparently it's Little Bo Peep - and Laura was a supposed to be a sheep - I think. 
 Because life with five kids looks like life with four kids - kinda busy. :) 
I spy... a brand new baby
 Shantel stopped by for a quick visit and baby snuggles.
 And ice-cream to celebrate we are all together again. That and it was the only kid-friendly dessert that we had around. 

Two lickables.
 And then Grandma came and chaos was a bit more subdued - sorta - on a few days. :) She made it all doable, as she did so much of... everything. She helped the kids with school when I couldn't - made meals, did a lot of laundry, held Leanne so I could get some sleep, and did things with the kids that such a wonderful Grandma does with them... it was so great. 
 Even though Leanne is grandbaby #27, mom and dad love them all so much and each one is a treasure in their eyes. :) They're willing to sacrifice so much to help their kids/grandchildren out, and that is such a testimony to me and many others. 
 The hands that have loved and raised 7 of her own. 

 Lots of coloring happened in the next couple weeks. 
 Amy trying to roller skate on Erik/Katy's blades...
 She was pretty determined to try them out - holding onto furniture from around the room to get to the table. 

 Getting ready to go to church. 

Daddy and Erik made a rocket ship together one evening (and Katy snuck in the pose for no real reason). :)

Such a strong little thing.
Lots of snuggles. 
Like daughter like father. :) 
The amazing dad taking four kids on a bike ride. :) Or a ride on a bike x 3. 

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