We joined up with our church on a camping trip this summer - to a campground at Balsam Lake Provincial Park. - about 3 hours away. Being that I was 38 weeks pregnant, we decided againest tenting, :) and borrowed Henry and Heather's trailer - which was a great blessing. We were a loonng sight on the highway - 32' trailer and a 17' van. When we got to our site, we realized that the site we booked - one of the only ones big enough for our trailer, didn't have electricity - oh dear - which really wasn't a huge issue, other than I had packed for electricity. :) So we had to back up our trailer to a place where we could run an extension cord, and get the pull outs out, then unplug, and back our trailer into our site. (in between we got water filled up in our tank - tho we realized later that our battery didn't work, and couldn't use it...) But we got set up and enjoyed our few days there.

Such a nice and private site though - everyone else from the chapel were a lot closer together which would have been fun, but at the same time, nice to have some family time too.
James brought the kids bikes, which they loved biking around in pairs around the campground, and also we rode them down to the beach too.
One night we had a potluck together which was fun - here's Mya and Willem.
The last morning that we were all together - it was a rainy time - but chatted under tents.
Shared breakfast with Ben and Dee, and Brad and Diane.
Always the thoughtful host -him and Diane. :) They are camper pro's, and their site was like fellowship hall. :)
Our group. :) We managed to get this shot in the rain, right before some of us left.
Then our little adventure continued - we had to first back up our trailer to get power for our pullouts to go back, finish packing then off to to drain our sewage.
Well, let's just say we didn't have the right connector, and weren't quite sure which drain was the right one, and well, James ended up with the sewage (not much thankfully!) all pouring out onto him. It was gross. So after cleaning it up with the help of a seasoned camper man that was waiting right behind us, (poor man) and draining our tank, we headed back into the campground to find a shower for James.
But where I thought a guy told us to turn (to find that shower) ended up being the wilderness trail/area for the eco-campers. You know, people in their smart cars, or vans - where the road is a country trail, and very winding... and we have almost 50' of vehicle footage, and can barely turn and navigate down this road - and once you start down the road, you can't turn around... People just looked at us as we drove by, obviously lost -and there was no shower in sight.
James doesn't get stressed, like almost ever - and he really wasn't that stressed - more a bit frustrated. And since I couldn't do a thing, I just had to laugh - until I was crying, and he was laughing too. After going for what felt a long time, we hit the main campground civilization.
Finally found a shower, and then we started our trip back. And all was well... <3