The day began with a yummy breakfast, which Katelyn helped eat. :)

Then off to go raspberry picking. It may even become our very own Canada Day tradition. :) We'll see. The patch was about 20 minutes away from us, and we had it all to ourselves which was kinda nice.

Katelyn 'helped' by being cute.

And cuter still...

Mouth watering raspberries... we enjoyed eating away while we picked. It will be so nice to have them to freeze and use up later on this fall.

The handsome picker opposite me.

With the sidekick. Katelyn did alright out in the lonesome raspberry patch, but I should've brought some toys. (thoughtless mommy I am) She had a bit of a rest, wandered, fussed, and wanted someone to play with...but we made it work.

At last, we found a 'toy'. Elastic bands in a container... Katleyn amused herself for a while with putting the rubber bands in different containters while we furiously tried to finish up and go home,

The end product.

Then it was off to find something to eat, cause we were starved. :) Subway fit the bill and we all enjoyed it tremendously.

The proof that we shared with Katelyn.

And a special treat on the way home....it was a special day that's for sure. :)

Then we went to Toronto to celebrate Canada Day and Rob's birthday at the place where Nelly is staying - with a BBQ, and rollerblading around the botanical gardens. At least we tried to rollerblade....it was an adventure. (let's just say that the people walking with us, could go fast down the hills than those of us who wore the blades)

Then we switched to shoes and walked around for a bit more.

Just us. :) James is wearing the Canada Day shirt, and I'm at least wearing red, despite it saying Chicago. We match at least.

Katelyn and Harrison - Deanna's nephew. It is so fun to see her interacting with other children.

Then a lovely supper and small b-day bash occurred, ending with everyone (except us) watching the fireworks in Toronto. We headed home early, as James had a busy and early day with the Market the following day. But we got to see the fireworks finale in Brantford on the way home. A special little treat from God.
Hey! You changed your blog...I like it. :)
ReplyDeleteKatelyn has hair just like Emily did. ;) It did eventually grow in, but it took a loooonnnggg time!
She is so sweet.
I love the new blog look, Lizzy!! You figured it out! :D Katelyn makes a very cute lil Canadian. :D