The day that it all happened...well, it actually started the night before - Tuesday, January 11th. Contractions kept me awake most of the night, nothing too major, but it did leave me wondering if this baby would come sometime soon.

Because sleep was needed, James took Katelyn over to Oma's to be watched. I had to take a couple pictures of my only child - just in case the baby arrived. :) Katelyn's last meal at our house as the only kiddo. :)

Mommy and Katelyn.

One last picture of the three of us...

Then after some sleep, I went for my last afternoon of work at the Windmill. :) It didn't seem to make sense to stay home alone and go through the contractions by myself and just to wait and wait... so I went and worked my last day, and got pied - a tradition at the Windmill. :) If you quit, you get a pie in the face when you're least expecting it. I was wondering if James (the man who does it) would get me, being as I had contractions all afternoon, but sure enough he did!
And we made a memory. :)
Then after supper in the Windmill, and contractions getting more intense and closer together James and I went home, and called the midwife to come. I was only 2 cm. and disappointed. The contractions slowed down for a while, and the midwife - Kelly - left. We were to call her when it picked up again and when a more 'normal' pattern happened. So we went to bed, and had some sleep for about an hour, and then the contractions really picked up again. We got into this rhythm of, ''help me James'' - and he would wake up, apply back counter-pressure during the contraction, and then fall back asleep as I would wait the next one, and we'd do it all over again. :) He got pretty fast at assisting me after coming to.
Then I went into a nice warm tub around 1:15 a.m. and wondered how I'd make it if went on much longer...then at 2:30 a.m. it was like, 'call her now' - and I knew it would be just minutes before this baby would be born. James called the midwife right away, and she left immediately - but our little baby wouldn't wait - so in a few minutes, a purple baby was born, delivered by James - the calm and cool midwife. :) It was a bit intense at first, as I wasn't prepared for a blue baby who wasn't making a lot of noise. The midwife had told James to call 911 if he needed to, and so just in case, he called for assistance - and I'm praying that this baby would be okay...scared to think that we came this far, and then to lose him because we didn't know what to do. But then Kelly arrives, takes one look, ''oh he's fine.'' :) (what relief) and James tries to get off the phone with the very thorough 911 dispatchers. :) So it was a very exciting time, not as calm as I had hoped for, but as long as the baby was alright, that was all that matters.
And it was a boy! I was so happy!!! We knew his name right away - Erik James. We chose the name mostly because we both liked it. It is a strong name, and I loved it with a 'k'; it looks so good with the last name Heikoop. It means "ruler". Then the midwife looked after us all, and we spent the next couple hours getting all acquainted. We were so tired, but soooo happy!!

Erik resting on my arm - not the greatest picture, but it was his first photograph. :)

A proud father holding his firstborn son.

Three quarters of our little family.

He found his thumb really quickly...

Kelly checking out his brain size. :)

About to be weighed - I was surprised he was 9 lb. 9 oz. His cheeks are so pudgy and kissable.

Up and away - with the perfect little toes sticking out.

His first "formal" portrait. :) So fun to have a baby in blue.

Mommy and Erik. Super happy.

Then later on that morning, Katelyn was brought over and got to meet her brother. She was all excited to see the 'baby' and is really gentle with him. She hasn't been jealous at all, though you could the last few days that she needs a bit of a mommy time. But she's been so good through all the changes.

The medium sized Heikoop family. :)

Getting to hold Erik for the first time.

"Don't take him away. I love him."

Oma and her newest grandson.

Opa - proud of his strong gripping grandbaby.

Auntie Nel. I fulfilled her request and had the baby before she returned to teaching in Toronto - but just barely. She left for the city that evening. :) I'll miss her lots.

Uncle Rob and Uncle Mark came over for a bit to meet the lil' guy.

I like this picture... :)

Ben and Deanna came to see the little man! And we're so excited for them, cause in the summer time, Lord willing, they'll have a baby of their own. Deanna's been so cheerful throughout the not-fun morning sickness. I can't wait to see what they'll have. :)

Later on the evening - Sarah came over to see him, and kiss him.

Then Henry, Heather and the girls stopped by for a quick hello.

Hannah, holding her newest and littlest cousin.


And then some more visitors of the evening were William, and Brendon. (and doggie Molly)

And lastly, the engaged couple - Diane and Brad. :) Then it was bathtime for the little man.

His first bath. :) He liked his second bath more than the first. The midwives here recommend taking a herbal bath with sea salt and garlic - thus the brown colored 'tea' water. It helps the umbilical cord fall off quicker and encourages healing in the mom.
Then it was to bed - so happy, exhausted, and loved - by all the family and friends who came that day. And so thankful to God that Erik is finally here - a week before his due date - to stay for however long God gives him to us. :)