Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just here...

I'm still here - truly... My dear sisters from Alberta are here visiting and helping me out with daily life, and preparing for Diane's wedding, so I'm not really really here. I will have a ton of pictures to post, eventually. Of two beautiful women, cute kids, and a gorgeous bride (in a few days... :) That will be fun! Until then, we're going to hit Toronto, gear up for the wedding, look after and giggle with darling little ones, and share some memories, and then get a bit more beautified for a wedding! :) Bye.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your still here!;)

    How fun to have your two sisters visiting! I bet they are enjoying their niece and nephew! Give them my love! It's been a long time!:)

    Love you!!:)
