At last my dear sisters arrived to visit us for a couple weeks on April 4th. We picked them up - oh lovely reunion- and headed into Hamilton and Burlington to do a tiny bit of shopping before heading off to Burlington and meeting up with most of the family and some friends from Huntsville- the Strongmens.
At the bowling alley - Kate played with the bowling balls for a while.
By the end, Erik got fussy and needed to sleep, so I tried bowling with the wrap on - my score wasn't so great, but it was fun. :)
that I was putting off like...
...taking the scuffs off the basement stairwell and washing the walls.
Going for a walk to the park - my new double stroller which I love. :) Found it online for an incredible price, and am making good use out of it with our spring weather. It can accomadate a newborn (in a lying position) as well as a toddler; should last us a while.
Erik enjoying the weather.
Swinging together brought back memories of Charissa and I doing all types of acrobatic swing acts while singing "Tomorrow,'re only a day away".
The two darlings...
Taking Katy down the slide.
The slide and swing are her favorites.
On one of the Mondays, we traveled into Toronto to visit Nelly and her class of Korean students learning English. We sang a few songs for them (so fun to sing with Fehr girls again) and then they sang a song for us.
A mix of Nel's class and another class.
Then we went shopping for fun, at some antique stores, bakery's and an adorable
(but pricey) baby store - sigh...
Nelly joined us-so lovely to be all together.
We went to a fun gelato shop, and shared some of that creamy goodness before dinner.
Then we finished our day of a Korean experience, by enjoying their food at a lovely restaurant. It was totally the real Asian deal - good thing Nel was with us, or we'd be lost. They grilled the meat on the table, with all the veggies, nuts, rice, and sauces to be rolled in a lettuce leaf, or just eaten with the steamed rice.
Tim and a friend from work joined us.
Erik was pretty fussy that evening, so James and I (and Charissa too) took turns jiggling him in the foyer. His crying wasn't contributing anything to the gourmet experience. :)
Playing a game with Andrea Dyck after the Dycks had arrived from out west for the wedding.
Anne-Marie trying to work with Katy with potty-training. The little darling understands, but just doesn't think that it's a big deal - and thus, why bother?
Anne-Marie kept Erik entertained while she sat with Katelyn and Winne-the-Pooh.
Little "miss" Innocent. :)
Julie came over one afternoon and brought her little man Lincoln. Erik and Lincoln had some buddy bumbo time.
Posing - too cute eh? :)
Erik - all chubbs. :)
All of us - I did the timer thing, and didn't quite calculate me. :)
Charissa assisted me in the nursery at church one night - good thing, cause there was a ton of little guys to hold.
This is me on a real day - :) Trying on the remains of my veil (Diane used the rest of it for her veil) and being goofy at a late hour. :)
Working on the name-cards for the reception furiously the night before the wedding...
Anne-Marie giving Katelyn the royal treatment - a foot scrub at 1.5 yrs. What luxury.
Anne-Marie, Charissa and Lydia all gave the other cousins foot scrubs, and the nail treatment they desired for the wedding. Anne-Marie lovingly washed the feet.
Lydia and Charissa did the nail art.
This girl and her soothers - we almost had finished with them, but we're now back to weaning them away. She's quite obsessed with soothers - not unlike those of us adults who think something such as motorcycles, strollers, vintage cars, etc. are the coolest things.
She spots them everywhere.
As you can see, two soothers are the rage now.
Brother and sister-in-law.
Us two girls.
At the Sherwood Restaurant. (with Katy behind the carnation)
Me and my little guy.
James and his daughter.
Then, that evening, we went over to Ben & Deanna's and a delicious supper with William and Sarah too. Such a lovely evening, chatting and playing a game. Then it was home, and the next day we dropped them off at the airport, and picked up the Collin sisters at the same time...but that's in a different post - but FIRST!
The Wedding Post!!!
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