I never dreamed that I would have all three sisters - my childhood to adult friends- with me, in Mount Pleasant at once! (yes, that's a run-on sentence) Especially with Erin being married and having two darlings of her own. But yes, it happened - a special blessing from God.
Lydia and Chloe were coming out for a wedding in Niagara, and Erin managed to make it out as well, with her 4 1/2 month old, Joy. It was a wonderful week together, just talking and enjoying the day together.
At the park - love this picture of Katelyn taken by Erin.
(Erin has a really nice camera, and since she was so good at capturing the moments, I borrowed the pictures off her. The only bad thing about that is that Erin isn't in as many photos...but she's coming up!)
"Clooooeee" giving Katy a push. Surprisingly, Katelyn learned her name quickly - it sounded so cute.
Mommy and Katy swinging.
All of us walking with the strollers down the path.
Chloe and Erin giving the two babies some fellowshipping time together.
The girls watched Katelyn for us, as we had to go out for a couple evenings. Here's Katy reading to Aunty Lyddie. That's her new thing now - is reading to us.
Erik, playing with his first toy - the blue elephant.
Re-assembling the flowers leftover from the wedding. I love having fresh flowers in my home - such a treat!
Holding the two darlings. The girls were such a huge help to me - always availabe to hold Erik, who was going through a real fussy time....always doing laundry, and dishes, making meals.... The kind of friends that you don't have to worry about entertaining, but just enjoying the moments together.
We all went to play volleyball at our church's gym with some of the family. We had an upcoming Easter skit, which Sarah had to play the bride for - thus borrowing my dress. It fit her perfectly.
Easter Sunday - the Sunday School kids singing "He's Alive".
Dinner at the Windmill.
Enjoying Sarah's meal.
Katelyn watching the two babies.
The Little Blue Boy.
Pink Confection.
The girls left during Sunday afternoon for the wedding in Niaraga and returned on Monday night. Chloe holding a sleeping boy. Poor girl, she didn't feel so great once she returned.
Erin giving her daughter a bath while we visited on what we thought was our last night together.
The two girls - looking forward to when Hope (Erin's other daughter) and Katelyn can play together too.
Lunch at the Windmill before dropping the girls off at the airport.
One last picture with Chloe - the maker of this dress for Katelyn before they headed off to security. Upon returning home, we got a call from the girls saying their flight had been cancelled - bad weather and a late flight from Toronto - so the girls were able to get a taxi back, and we got to enjoy another day with them! We ended up biking into town, enjoying Starbucks together, and then biking back in the dark. It was such fun. Then the next day, after giving my ladies coffee hour talk, I took them back to the airport. This time, they were able to make it to Calgary. Erin's Grandmother (in law) passed away that night before, so she and her husband continued on to BC, after being picked up at the airport to make it to the funeral. Even though it was a delaying of plans for the girls, God so worked the timing out for them. And we enjoyed having them just a touch longer.
Erin will be putting pictures up sometime on her lovely blog: www.ourhousehishome.blogspot.com - when life settles down!
So grateful to God for the people we've had through our little home!
Fun memories - I'm so glad you had that time with the Collins gals!