The rehearsal was on the Thursday, then we started decorating the church at 10 p.m. on Friday, so I got a few of these pictures out of order...but you'll get it.
Before the rehearsal, we all stopped in at a little coffee shop in Paris - the Brown Dog, and enjoyed some of their fresh apple fritters.
This is what the centerpieces looked like - arranged by Nelly.
(with some help from a couple others.)
Then it was a wonderful Chinese food dinner, and to bed.
This is my princess on the morning of the wedding. Doesn't she look the pink of confection? :)
And Anne-Marie and my prince - isn't he dashing? I made the bow tie to match my top, and found the white shirt, vest, and pants for $3.50. :)
The reception hall... so beautiful.
The guest book table - with their heritage pictures from both sides of the family.
Anne-Marie - my beautiful sister.
Charissa -my other beautiful sister. :) They were so sweet to sit in the back and watch Erik for me (Katelyn and a few other children were watched by some babysitters in the toddler room upstairs)
Deanna - 6 months pregnant with their first. She looked so well, and held up better than most people on that busy day.
Lovely Sarah
The dresses on the girls (8 bridesmaids) ended up turning out so well - and everyone praised God for that! A few scares on the way, but the final product looked smashing on all of them.
Nathan was the ring-bearer, and adorable Gracie(Brad's niece) was the flower girl. They performed beautifully. (thanks to a great reward program initiated by Ben)
The grand moment - Diane looked amazing! Absolutely stunning - perfectly relaxed, but very excited! That was what I personally loved about this day. That Diane was so happy, and she just enjoyed the day to the fullest.
Walking down the isle. (on the runner I had for my wedding-my sisters brought it from Alberta)
Exchanging glances during the ceremony. They sat down later on - during the great message given by Peter Bolton, and some music. (side note: the music was so beautiful - some of the prettiest I've heard at a wedding. All done by the Toman family, and two trumpeters: Mark and another trumpet player. So royal, and beautiful- not overdone, but so appropriate.)
All the siblings (almost all of them) sang "Seekers of Your Heart" , and Nelly wrote another verse for the occasion:
Then the moment I couldn't wait for: James had constructed a rose petal drop - an amazing feat, since the church ceiling was 30 feet or so high. They had gotten a scissor lift in, and at midnight the night before, put it together, so that what they kissed, this magical moment began - a shower of rose petals. I loved it!!!
After the ceremony, Diane had the neat and thoughtful idea, of while the bride and groom did the receiving line, the professional photographer took family photos of both sides of the family. I can't wait to see how the professional ones turned out.
Henry and Heather's lovely family.
Our picture - taken by Charissa on the sidelines.
And Charissa took some of me and Katy - even though my tired girl, didn't feel cooperating.
My little girl. (most of these pictures were taken by Charissa) :)
Then after more pictures, the bridal party left for some outdoor pictures, despite some rain, and after cleanup at the church, the reception began. The bridal party did some line dancing - quite a feat, as many of the bridal party hadn't done any type dancing...but they tried, and it was cute. Then Brad and Diane entered and did a sweet couple dance. Then the reception began.
The room full of people. It was so lovely.

"We're standing in Your presence, to make these sacred vows
To have, to hold, to cherish, as long as time allows.
To have, to hold, to cherish, as long as time allows.
We could never follow through, without the grace You promise,
To those who trust in You."

It was really good.
Us two - James looked so handsome - as usual. :) I'm still twitterpated.
Nel, Anne-Marie, and Charissa sang "How Beautiful" and I got to accompany them. Nelly gave a great maid of honor speech, and there were a few other speeches, and a fun skit by Rob, Mark and William.
Nel and Anne-Marie. I have the most gorgeous sisters. :)
Charissa trying on Caleb's hat. All the boys, Heikoops and Dycks looked so great! Heikoop boys got fedoras to match Brad's style.
After they cut the cake -
The lovely couple!
I love this one...Diane enjoying the a bit of the icing after they sampled the cake. :)
During the evening, they dealt with the kissing issue, by having anyone wanting them to kiss do the hula hoop. There weren't too many people that tried, but Hendrik worked hard at it all night, and by the end of the evening, had it done pat! The M.C. - Shane Johnson and Rob - twisted the game around, and had the couple kiss as long as Hendrik could hula hoop...and well.....Hendrik just kept going and going....finally Brad and Diane had to the M.C.'s stopped Hendrik! He got a big hand! Was proud of my nephew. :) Hendrik for sure, has an amazing sense of balance and coordination. If only I was that good. :)
Giving the thank-you speech - a wonderful example of rhyme and thought. :) Brad put it all into a poem, and it was so great. Then after a bit longer, everyone left, Brad and Diane left for the honeymoon (destination a few days later - Hawaii!) and we cleaned up and got home around11:30 ish.
This is our sister picture - good grief - we got it just before bed. :)
What we felt like - well, the girls must have felt alright, cause they look good - I was tired, but so happy. :)
Excited for Brad & Diane! Happy to get another brother in law!
Awww....lovely wedding! So nice to see the pictures! Thanks for posting!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the rose petal drop, so magical...
ReplyDeleteThat picture before bed was cute, Liz! How fun to be altogether again! Love you!:)