Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Six Months!

Honestly, it's been six months. I still was saying "he's 5 1/2 months old" last week...I guess I've been holding onto that 1/2 a month. But he continues to grown, to cry, to laugh, and to be cute. :)
Thankful for our little man.
Erik's latest and greatest:
Rolling onto his tummy and waking up in the night
Screeching when he's happy (and when he's not!)
Now into a bigger car seat - goodbye bucket seat - still rear facing :)
Still adorable


  1. How many pounds is the little big man now? Does he wake up at night because he rolls and wakes himself up? Elianna slept through the night right from the beginning, but the last 2-3 months she wakes up for 1 or 2 feedings. We find her in the weirdest positions in her crib now that she's moving around more, though! She's so fun!
