Then last week of August came, and we finally got to have our long-awaited vacation!
We went with the whole family up to a rented cottage (two cottages actually) up near Bracebridge for a lovely week. Everyone was there except for Marvin and Marlene...sniff...sniff... and Henry and Heather - though they came up for one day.
Our little family in the paddleboat.
The main cottage where we ate, played, and most everyone slept.
This is our little little cottage that we shared with Brad, Diane and Elita. It was so nice to have a spot to let the kids nap and get away for some quiet time, or game times with others.
The first night was super hot. And I was just dying. :) So we dragged our mattress to the van and slept in it with most of doors open. (the kids stayed in the cottage though -they're were okay) It worked out great, except there was no place to park the van that wasn't on a hill, so I kept sliding down all night. :) Anyways, next morning, we took the kids on a little drive around part of the lake to let the others sleep.
Erik playing daddy's guitar.
Uncle Mark helping out.
There were crokinole matches, which was fun for the guys.
We all took one supper and one brunch which worked out lovely. Mom and Dad ended up doing more than their share in helping with dishes which was always appreciated.
Blowing bubbles that Oma bought in town.
Pretty proud of himself for blowing bubbles.
Going for a see-doo ride with Daddy.
Oma and Opa took the see-doo on a spin too.
Darling Hudson. :)
My handsome man.
One evening the guys had races to see who could get the fastest time kayaking to the other side of the lake and back. :) James started it, and when he got back he flipped over. Then Tim took it out, and just as he was leaving he flipped it too - much to everyone watching on the dock's enjoyment. :)
Then Mark took it out, and won with the best time.
A family canoe trip.
All the guys went golfing one afternoon, while us girls chatted on the dock and got a bit burnt. :) When the kids woke up they fed the chimpmunks that were hanging around us.
Sarah with her little friend.
Deanna got "Chippy" all the way on top of the baby. :)
Diane got Hudson and Erik these matching shorts/shirts. :)
Leave it up to Diane to find a shirt with "My Aunt is Awesome" on it. :)
Towards the end of the week, Henry and Heather came up with the family. We had a fun day together, visiting and doing some water sports with the nephews and nieces.
Relaxing on the dock.
Katelyn waited most of the week, to get a turn in the boat, and Uncle Brad graciously took her, James, Nathan, Erik and me on a ride before they left.
I love this shot of Kate, just soaking up the feel of the wind againest her tongue.
Brad "smiling" for me. :)
My favorite picture of the trip - two cousins loving going fast!
The joys of being a child. :)
Sisters trying to get a picture together but William steps in. :)
There we go. :)
One last shot before those three are seperated for the next year.
Then one of all us sisters/sister in laws. : )
William took this picture too (as well as the sister one) of Mom and Dad.
Playing with Erik.
Having all the uncles and aunts around to watch the kids made it truly relaxing. I was so thankful for their help and making it extra fun for the kids.
Beautiful Hannah.
Opa, playing "Guess what is it?" with the girls.
An over-exposed-tried-to-fix-it-by-making-it-black-and-white picture of all of us eating before Henry and Heather left. (they left Rachel, Lydia and Julia for the rest of the week with us, which was nice)
Eating watermelon and lovin' it.
A quick see-doo ride for Henry and Heather.
Opa and Nathan.
Gorgeous Rachel.
Those girls are so helpful and thoughtful. Sure appreicate them.
Tim working on his after-the-game-masterpiece. We had some fun - and tedious game of Fast Scrabble over the week :)
Dad, working on his vacation masterpiece.
Yes, my father-in-law is an artist. :)
(and I'm hoping that my children get some of that in their genes)

On the last afternoon, I did a quick photo shoot with Nelly.
Isn't she beautiful?:)
She was leaving the next day for Manitoba - going to Providence University to finish up her English Teaching Degree. So proud of her. :)
Then I had James take a couple of me, to show that I am pregnant. :)
Here I was 30 weeks I think.
Us two three
(taken by Sarah)
Our last supper at the cottage.
Auntie Nelly and Katelyn.
Now, if you're wondering why Katie's bangs are so short I have a reason.
No, she didn't cut them.
Nor did I. :)
It was Auntie Nel. :)
I gave her the scissors with the last comment as I walked away - "make sure they're not too short Nel." Next thing I hear - "Liz, you're going to hate me." :) We all just laughed when we saw the bangs. :) (Katie had been looking down, in Nel's defense!) They will grow - albeit VERY slowly. :) But they don't look too bad, when they're brushed to the side, which I'm glad about.
Saying goodbye to Erik.
And one last picture with Julia.
And then me...
I'll miss her a ton. And a half. But, quite excited for her to finish this up and move on to new things!
The next day we finished cleaning up/packing up, and went to town for breakfast - thanks to mom and dad. Stopped in a furniture store, and began the couple hour journey home, and home to the loads of laundry and unpacking.
James and Erik at the furniture store.
So there you go. An overload of pictures. But I'm done now. :)