Friday, September 7, 2012

His Last Day at the Windmill...

James' last day of work at the Windmill was July 28th.
We went to see him in his last hours there as a surprise.

Got a last ice-cream snack there during a quick break. 
End of the day/weekend displays - empty - that's a good thing!
And after all the customers had gone, James got his SECOND "pie-in-the-face" episode.
He deserved it though, after all the pies he's shoved in the faces of the staff who are leaving over the years. :) So, a couple of the workers, had to get em' good. And they did. :) Thankfully, they've switched over to using mostly just whipped cream, so it's not as wasteful - just really messy. :)
So now what for James? Well, I think I mentioned it earlier, but after leaving the Windmill - a long-thought-out-prayed-over-decision, James took the month of August off to work on the house we just bought, and then is starting at Whitebird in Hamilton. Whitebird is a corrugate/packaging/office supply-sanitation company that was started around 30 years ago by his dad. So it's a family company, but James is an employee, which can be nice for a change. He will be doing sales, which he'll do great at. Lots of learning, but that's what he needs right now, and wants to do. Hopefully, it will give him a bit more family time with us - one of the reasons for the switch - as well as for serving in our church - as the corrugate company doesn't keep as long of hours as the food companies have to.
So, if you think of it, pray for us in this transition. :) It's exciting and different.
But, you usually, you need change to grow.
And that's a good thing.

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