Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 117 {Asleep in a Cradle}

During naptime, I went into Katy's room, but she wasn't there. Strange.
Checked another room, but she wasn't there either.
Even though, you know she has got to be around, close by, I got worried.
And then. I found her.
Sleeping in the nursery - on her doll cradle she brought with her.
Amazing how she slept in it for so long, before stretching out on the floor.


  1. Katelyn in the doll cradle made me laugh so much! That is just too cute. I'm so glad you got a picture of it. She'll laugh at it one day too!! She's quite the gal! Love her so much! Mom

  2. Hey Jillian - nope, no cloning - it was pretty much SOOC. :)oops...does it look kinda fake?
