Monday, February 3, 2014

With John & Ashley

I was so glad when Ashley wrote me and said they'd be coming up to our area in January...and I dearly wanted to snag a visit with her in between all the other visiting they were to do. :) Thankfully, her and John, and cutie Joshua, were able to spend a morning and lunch with us. I so loved to catch up abit, but time was too short, and they had to be on their way... 
 Such good memories of times together in Alberta...traveling out east to her wedding, and connecting online. This woman amazes me. Seriously. She goes through whatever God brings without complaining and murmuring, leaving me, and countless others encouraged and super duper challenged. 
And Ash brought me a few Trader Joe hand grinder spices - which I was quite thrilled about!!! 
 The threesome right before they left. :) 
The kid's enjoyed getting to know Joshua and playing with trains together. :)
So glad we got to keep them for a bit. 

1 comment:

  1. It was so good to see you, Lizzy! We'll make more time next time. :) Love you!
