Thursday, February 1, 2018

Jason is 6 Months

This kid can smile. :) 
But I had to be quick, cause as soon as he'd see the camera on him, he stops. Rascal. :) 
Jason's latest and greatest
-Sitting up for 2 minutes alone
-Eating his first foods (butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots are his first foods)
-Loves being in the exersaucer
-Laughs adorably
-Likes to be in the Ergo and just stare and me and make lots of noise. 
-Has a favorite elephant toy, and likes his grabby ball 
-He is quite strong and has great core muscles. 

Working on his sitting muscles - Katie there to catch him so I can get a shot of him sitting up by himself. 
My big boy. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I love the pictures. The 6 month old picture of Jason won the prize. It is the cutest picture, and Jason has the cutest smile!! Love, Mom
