It worked out so perfectly that after we dropped Cameron and Lisa off at the airport we continued on and picked up James and Heather in Toronto. We first dropped off Katelyn for Aunty Nelly to babysit, while we four went to the Sound of Music theatre.

It was such a special evening - of course, we're not allowed to take pictures of the evening, so these are from website. (which I hope is alright to do...if not...I'll take them down)

All of them are excellent actors with wonderful voices. The children were all very cute.

And then a treat came after the show, because a friend of our family's, Cathy C. got us in contact with her cousin who played Uncle Max in the show, Keith. (the man on the right) He then, showed us around backstage and answered a bunch of our questions for about 40 minutes. It was such fun and so neat to see how it all worked. We saw the wig room, the dressing rooms, the orchestra pit, walked on stage - one of the world's deepest stages, saw how it works together....a really neat experience. Keith was very kind and took so much time for us. And we so appreciated Cathy even thinking of getting us in contact with him.

We got a picture with him after he showed us around. Then it was back to pick up Katelyn from her first babysitting experience - (thanks Aunt Nel!) and head home.

During the time we had with James and Heather, we played a couple games, one of them being "Match of the Penguins" which I have to say is my favorite game. :) The others were so sweet to come down to my leval and play a few rounds of it.

We watched one of James' soccer games...kind of hilarous and neat...cause a couple weeks ago was the start of the finals, and their team is the worst of the league. But they ended up beating the best of the league, so they made it to the semi-finals, which they also won! (and every time elimating the other team!!!) So this coming week, will be the championship game, and it would be just such a perfect movie moment if Kia of Hamilton actually wins! If not, they sure are getting better!!

On the last day with James and Heather, we went to Toronto again, and they took us to a Blue Jays Game. It was a neat experience to see it all, and how it works. So much to take in and try to figure out.

The pitcher for Toronto.

The Mariner's at bat - James Fehr's favorite team. I didn't know which team to cheer for... :) So they both got my hooray's, though I wish the Mariner's would have won. Kind of fun cheering for a team that no one else is cheering for.

Aren't they the most adorable pair?

James and Heather, my dear brother and sister.

Trying to get a family picture...

Katelyn and a bobblehead. :) When I came in the stadium, I was given a little book for her - and if you go around with your child (has to be under 14 yrs) and collect 3 stamps around the stadium at different stations, you'll get this Adam Lind bobblehead free. :) So we two walked around and got this little bobblehead. :) And it was kind of neat, cause in the end, it was the same guy - Adam Lind- that not only got 2 home runs for Toronto, but won the game for the team. So a fun souvenir.

Auntie Heather and Katelyn. What fun it was to have her here, and have her a part of this world. We've spent so much time together in the past, so having her in Mount Pleasant and talking and being together was very special.

The five of us after the game. The score I believe was: 5:4 for Toronto.

You'd think we be cheering for the Jays with wearing blue shirts. :)

Afterwards we had a few hours to wait before they headed off on their evening flight home, so we went to the CN tour. I had never been before so that was pretty special.

At the top with Katie - and yes, that is glass in front of us.

Laying her on the glass floor. :)

Sitting around for a bit.

The view from the top. It was so neat to see the clouds go through below us...

Us two with the view of the city below.

On the glass floor.

A few mintues before they left at the airport...getting a quick bite all together. And then another goodbye. I sure have been blessed to have so much family visit us this year. God is so good to us. Loved having you two - you mean so much to me.
Loved these pictures of the 5 of you. It was so special that you could meet "Uncle Max" and see so much of that theatre where SOUND OF MUSIC was played. God sure gives us lots of neat surprises, doesn't he?! Love, MOM