I'm sitting up now and oh so big. :) (with hands on the ready to catch a falling baby) She is doing really well now, sitting up by herself and hardly ever falls over. So fun to watch these stages in her life

Our grown up dolly face. We gave her her first rice cereal a week ago, and she loved it right from the start! She couldn't get enough, and seemed to get the whole thing quickly. Opens her mouth wide, swallows pretty good, and spits some out too. :)

Miss Independant with her spoon.

Katelyn waiting for more. She is now in her own room and crib - it was kind of hard to let her go out of my reach :) but also good too. She is almost sleeping through the night again- still have to work on that part a bit, but there's progress.

The second night of feeding... :) With her favorite guy.

Daddyand Katelyn competely relaxed after a long day.
Oh my!! I miss our little precious treasure!! She is just so very sweet. Give her a hug and kiss from Grandma tonight!! MOM XOXO