Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Girl's Party

It's so fun to have our own home, and be able to have people over or do some fun events. :) In keeping with some of my family's traditions this year, we had a girl's party at our place- just like Anne-Marie does in Alberta for young women around us. We had a good evening - food, games, and a gift exchange.
"Which gift should I open"? :) I loved Marianna's hat. :)
We played a game where we had to unwrap a present wrapped in many layers, while first ringing a bell, and donning a hat, apron, & oven mitts and tearing away before the next person got a 6 on the die that was passed around.
The winner Rachel. :) The prize was a teddy bear.
Katelyn trying to get a head start on opening Christmas gifts... :)
During the gift exchange...
Us all. :) From l-r: (top row) Krista, Janelle, Erin, Katie, Marianna and Rachel
(bottom row): Julia, Amy, Karen, me and Katelyn. :)
We didn't have anyone around to take the group shot, so it's just a timer shot. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is so special that you are carrying on Anne-Marie's tradition of a Christmas girl's party!! Sounds like you had fun! MOM
