On a walk with the cutie.

Doesn't that smile warm the cockles of your little heart?

This was up in Lion's Head for a friend, Alicyn's wedding. Anne-Marie flew in to Hamilton and stayed with us for a couple weeks, as she and Nelly were both bridesmaids for the wedding!

Nelly did the flowers for the wedding...and in between my frantic practicing (I was the pianist) I helped out a bit.)

Katelyn was soo good as she wandered the church, and A-M helped keep an eye on her on the Friday before the wedding. We went up on Thursday so we were a few days away from James, but he joined us for the wedding.

The rehearsal dinner. One of the tables.

The piano and some flowers. :)

The rehearsal. :) Playing for the rehearsal, well, it went awful...I felt so bad. I had never played for a wedding before, and had just gotten the music 2 1/2 weeks before. I am so not a solo pianist, but was honored to play for this lovely wedding. :) Lots of prayer and more practicing....

...and the day of, the Lord gave me peace and steady fingers, and it went really well. I was sooo thankful!

After the wedding! My man came up with a few of the family...

The 'get away' car. :) So nice.

The girls with the bride and groom. They all looked so lovely - and I was thrilled to be related to two of them!

Auntie Diane and muffin at the reception. Such a cute pair.

The reception was held on the Chi-chi-mon ferry boat in Tobermory, ON. Such a pretty view. Us sisters and daughter.

All of us girls.

And me and my James.

Alicyn and Jonathon McAlpine. Such a perfect match.

This is my only 'pro' picture... :) I thought it was decent enough with my camera. :)

Laughter and smiles.

Cutting of the cake. :)

The boat. :)

Then the next day, we went to a native church that Rob helped out a few years ago, and then traveled the long way home. We stopped by Lake Huron for a few minutes, to get out, and Katelyn got her first feel of water with waves. She loved it!!

The threesome of us. :)

The next day we went mini-golfing after a lovely supper at William's and Diane's place. :)

Anne-Marie - the winner of the evening! :)

Katelyn loved watching the golf balls move - and did her famous little squeal!

The railway track...my ball is the purple ball to the bottom right of the picture - almost at the hole. :)

Trying again and again....

Then the next day, we planted our very own garden. :) Katelyn loved being in the dirt!

She got so dirty by the end of the evening. :) We planted cucumbers, watermelon, honeydew, zuchinni, tomatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, lettuce, potatoes, parsley, mint, dill, and basil. :)

We had the pleasure of having Ronnie and Elizabeth over for a meal one evening. :) Lots of fun as we caught up with each other.

The newlywed couples. :) We were married one year and one day a part.

And we went garage sailing with Breanne and the little princesses. :) We all got some lovely things, and then went out to a Thai restaurant afterwards. (A-M took this picture)

At B&J's apartment after we dropped them off.

Anne-Marie and I had a fun time together getting our feet done. One of the first times for both of us. Katelyn did sit on my lap for almost an hour, and amused all the girls that worked at the salon. She shared her animal crackers, had her picture taken, and smiled at them. :)

The end result. :)

Then it was on 2nd Anniversary!!! We celebrated it by all four of us going canoeing down the Grand River. :) Here's the three of us. :)

Anne-Marie and the little rafter. :)

We took her car seat in the canoe and she feel asleep for most of the 1 1/2 hours in the water. :) Such a cutie.

And she wanted to touch the water - under supervision.

Canoeing. :)

The littlest Heikoops...

Isn't she a dolly? :) A little sailor in her sunhat.

The three ladies. :)

Then Anne-Marie was so sweet to watch Katelyn for a while so we could go out for supper. :)

Me. :)

Then we had dessert from Dairy Queen. :) A dipped cone in a cup just like Charissa does. :)

Katelyn loved Auntie Annie's purse during these past two weeks...it amused her so much!

At the horse farm down the road. Hannah (a niece) works there, and took Anne-Marie and Kate on a tour. :) It was Katelyn's first time seeing many of those animals: a goat, chickens, donkey, horses, a pony...etc. :)

At the park. :)

Sliding down... :)

Katelyn amused herself by wandering around the court while we played tennis with A-M and Tim. She loved going after the stray ball, or finding an old apple core to eat... :( but it's better than the bird wings that were scattered around one side. :)

Off for a game of tennis.

Nelly came and visited at the end.

The day Anne-Marie left - taking Katelyn out in her car.

Away they go. :) Such a cute pair - and it was so lovely to have Anne-Marie all to myself for a while, and have some sister time. Love her so much - and so thankful for all she did for us. :) Til next time!
Oh, Lizzy thanks for posting these pics!!! It's amazing to think the above pic was just from yesterday morning! Crazy!!! The memories of my time with you, James and Katy linger in my heart and mind - sooo thankful for the days with you wonderful kin!!! I do miss you three soo,but it's good to be home again. Love you sooo much!!
These are absolutely wonderful pictures. What special memories you two sisters made once again, and with dear little Katelyn. The thing that warms this mother's heart so much is the great love that my three daughters have for one another. That is a priceless treasure that no one can ever take away. I so wished that I had a sister growing up, but now I have you three precious daughters! God has sure been good to me! Love you, Mom
ReplyDeleteWow, I can't believe how big J&B's little one is! Soooo cute! Looks like you had a great time with Annie!
ReplyDeleteOh and I meant to say that your pro picture is just AWESOME! :) You're a great photographer! :)
ReplyDeleteLoved, loved seeing these pictures. I loved seeing you and A-M together, and I loved seeing the pics of your time. =)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos - love being able to stay in touch through your blog. (Nicely done on the "pro" shot!) The pic of Anne-Marie with Katelyn at the wedding is fabulous!!! Love catching these glimpses of your love-filled life.
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures - I'm glad you had such a great time with Anne-Marie!!!! Miss you!