I am blessed - sometimes even spoiled rotten! (in the bestest sort of rotten spoiling there is of course! :)) I'm loved by a handsome incredible man, have an adorable little muffin, waiting for another little strudel to join us, have a Savior who died for me, am surrounded by family & friends who love me, live in a cozy little home in a cute village and meet with other wonderful believers at least once a week. :)
I've been given so much by God and others...and yet sometimes I get tired of giving back or just wanting to with-hold from giving of myself and time. Humans do get tired I realize, and you can't always be on the giving end, but like I said to James, God doesn't get tired of giving, or keeps track of the score: how much He's given to me and how much I've done for Him - cause of course I'd be so far in debt, there'd be no hope of freedom... in His mercy and love He just keeps blessing me. Over and over again. So now I need just to remember that and to give back to Him and others in the time and ways He plans for me. Yup, I'm blessed. :)

"...my cup runneth over..."

I made a smoothie for James and I ( + Katelyn) and while pouring it, of course, had to spill over in a big plop. Just one of those days. :) Such a little thing, and how silly to get disheartened over it. But James was right there to say, 'stay right there', grab the camera, and of course turn it into a fun moment...though my tired expression doesn't show it. :) So thankful for a wonderful husband. :)

Katelyn having a riot on the new air mattress. :)

Dad and Mom's 41st wedding anniversary was this past Monday and we got to have them over for dinner. Though to be honest, we both had forgotten about it being their anniversary. (oops...) Thankfully, the dinner wasn't hot dogs :) but a bit more on the 'nicer' side, and we enjoyed a great evening with our parents. Committed to each other couples are encouraging.

Katelyn having 'blanket' time. It doesn't happen every day, but we're working on it. She gets SO excited when I say it's blanket time, and can't wait to sit on the blanket, but the enthusiasm doesn't last more than 10 minutes or so...but at least we're on our way.
Your blessed blog is beautiful sis!! Even though the smoothie thing didn't work out quite the way you wanted, it made for a great caption to what you were talking about, for truly your cup runneth over with God's goodness!!!
ReplyDeleteWay to go on blanket time with Katy!! That is so sweet that she gets excited about it!!! You're doing a superb job as mother sis!
Love you!