Last weekend we had our annual youth conference at our church. A time of busyness, fun, food and inspiring sessions were the order of the days. I didn't help out a ton, but was able to attend a few sessions, and help a bit out with the food, and we were blessed to have some girls in our home. There was around 170 young people, all from the southern Ontario area - mostly mid-teens. It was kind of neat that while we had our conference, the church back in Alberta had their bi-annual Weekend in the Word. :)
The speaker was Stephan Hawkins - a Jewish Christian man, who is an amazing evangelist - worldwide. He had such a great sense of humor, really kept the young people's attention with his storied, and incredible testimony. He has gone through so much in his life - terrible abuse growing up, persecuted for becoming a Christian, and then a lot of different trials, as well as challenging 'evangelist' times. The theme/topic was "Understanding God's Will for Your Life."

Katelyn and a 'friend- Nathan. Love how girls=pink and boys=blue. :)

During the one afternoon there was a whole bunch of activities - ranging from volleyball, soccer in the mud, street hockey in the rain, ping-pong and Bible skits. I was in the skit area with a bunch of others - we were divided into groups (by William) and had to put together some skit. Our group did Dorcas from the book of Acts (a good girl skit, since most of the participants were girls :) I played the piano, and we did a silent 'film'/charade type of skit. This picture is of William and another guy doing a story from the Old Testament.

Watching the skits...

"Dorcas" (Sherri Strongman) and another girl.

That night after supper, it was free time or watching "Flywheel" (the first movie from the producers of Facing the Giants/Fireproof) A bunch of us did some games - and for me, it was the best time of playing Dutch Blitz since....probably since moving out east. Brad made it extra fun for everyone. :)

Another table - a crazy game of Spoons. :)

We had the Strongmenn girls and a friend, Kaliegh over for the weekend. They are friends of my cousins, and know my family (even though they are from Ontario) so it was neat for me and James to finally get to know these fun gals. We had some great talks, lots of laughs and even sang together. :) This is Sherri letting the purse 'piglet' go through her handbag. :) And just so you all know, we bought an air mattress before the weekend, so now have extra bed space for you visitors. :) It's really nice....really :)

Cheryl and Beth helping me get ready for the church lunch the next day.

After lunch the next day - we all coordinated black and white. :) From L-R: Brianna (fellow midwife to Sarah)
Kaleigh, Cheryl, Sherri, Beth, me and a baby doll.

Us again - just a bit more formally. :) It was special to have the Strongman girls and
Kaleigh over for the weekend and get to know them a bunch.

Katelyn amusing herself in the nursery with a friend. Children love cupboards. :)

Deanna keeping the girls occupied and happy - playing peek-a-boo with a blanket...lots of laughter.
Then it was all over - everyone really tired, but hopefully some lives were challenged to keep on for Christ. I really wish I could have stayed for the whole conference! :) Thanks for posting these fun pics! I sure do love reading your blog.