Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Sister's Visit

In God-'s perfect timing, He sent my sis along. :) My older and cute sis, Anne-Marie.
We had her for 2 weeks - a perfect amount of time. It didn't go too fast, and not too slow.
Me and the kiddo's picked her up at the airport - I have a cute video of the kids welcoming her, and I may post it, when I get the time to upload it. :)
Katelyn and I, were quite excited to see all the "Alberta" goodies/presents the family sent along for us. 
Grandma sent her this cardboard castle, which she adored!! Her first "dollhouse", and she played and played wtih it.  
Anne-Marie was trying to get a picture of the two of them in the p.j.'s, but they thought that bouncing and falling all over the bed was better than smiling. :) 
Sisters - on Sunday morning. 
My cutie bug. 
On one of James' Monday's off, we went biking down to a older farmer's place to meet the foal of their miniature horse. So cute and small. Katelyn enjoyed it. 

Then she got to help feed the chickens!  
We went out for dinner in Port Dover that evening, and this was one of only pictures we got. :)
Katelyn had her first experience with eating fish. 
She saw fish swimming in an aquarium, and wondered if she'd be eating that. Then when the waitress brought her battered fish, she wondered if they were sleeping inside...poor girl. We laughed so hard. She was quite confused, and in the end, didn't care for the fish. :)
 Our church had Diane's baby shower for Elita while Anne-Marie was here. This is Krissandra playing one of the games - muli-tasking while putting clothes on a line.

Another part of the team games, was to drink a whole baby bottle of milk the fastest. :)  
Glenda holding Elita. 

This is James and Anne-Marie's masterpiece. I found the idea, James carved it, and Anne-Marie cut up the fruit. It was cute. :)

The whole family went to Henry and Heather's new home in NY state for Good Friday - and to celebrate Heather and Hannah's birthday. :) It was so exciting to see their house as a home, and we all had fun putting up more decor that were given to them as b-day gifts. :)
This is me. giving my "advice" on putting up a picture. That, unfortunately, is a normal face of mine. :(  
A few of the guys took my camera during the evening.... :) so the following are compliments of others. :)  
Like Son, like Mother. ;)  
Me and Erik, as we're getting ready to go home. 
While Anne-Marie was here, we were able to go to a Steve Green concert near us. That was such a great, and refreshing evening. This is him singing with his wife.
Dick Tunney was his pianist, (incredible musician and composer) and it was neat to meet him as well. (wrote songs like, "In His Presence", "Seekers of Your Heart"...)  

The group of us at the concert.  
Anne-Marie, the amazing auntie that she always is, playing the game she gave to Katie at Christmas. She did so much with the kids, which I really appreciated. Katelyn loved her.  Erik did too, though by the end, he thought he needed more personal space. (the monkey)

I did a quick photo shoot with Anne-Marie one night. (why does it always turn out to be day, Annie, we'll take our time.) We got some lovely ones though, and this is just one of many. 
Katelyn making breakfast for Erik, all by herself. 
Eating sour cream and perogies. 
Messy cute thingy. 
Anne-Marie made Chocolate Nest Cookies with Katie. She did so much cooking for me while she was here - our meals were so yummy. Sigh - nice to have a gourmet cook for a sister.

Erik into the yogurt, that I shouldn't have left alone on the table...oops...
Then, we had to take Anne-Marie back to the airport for her trip home. Sad time. But it was so lovely to be together, and get some good talks in. We didn't get to all we planned, (a lot due to the cold weather) but we had fun.... :) Thankful for her sacrifice in coming out. Love ya sis!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lizzy for posting these pics up of my time with you!! It was fun reading your captions and seeing the photos from my wonderful two weeks with you!! Miss you!! Can't wait till June!!

    Love you!
