Wednesday, April 25, 2012

While I Was Sick....

In the beginning of March, I got a nasty stomach flu bug, that lasted a couple weeks. (one of the reasons why I'm so behind on the blog) And I was on my back most of that time - super awful. Everything fell apart, that is, the house and me. :) I couldn't do anything, was super achy,cough, fever, throwing up, etc. But God always provides, and different family members helped out when they could, as well as some friends, and my dear James managed everything else just fine. He was so patient, as things couldn't get done like normal, but we made it. (even though I didn't know if I could)
Even Katie did her part. :) She fed Erik, as these pictures show.
Little king and queen on their royal pillows.

Nel took this shot. :) Not really flattering, but a good reminder of how awful being sick is, and thankful for when we are healthy. :)
It took a ton out of me, and a while to get sorta normal, (which I'm not yet anyways)  and the in between time, Anne-Marie came and helped out for a couple weeks. (in the next post!) That visit had been planned a few months earlier - thankful for God's timing...

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