At last, some more recent pictures to show you. :)
It's all about the house, and the painting and the tear down, build back up moments.
James painting in a spot I don't dare try to reach right now..
This wall, about to come down...
Greg and Mike yanking down the partition between the kitchen and dining room.
They had fun by the way.
The ladies did painting, while the guys did construction, some more painting and sanding, etc.
James and Wayne chatting over lunch.
Joanne, Shelly and Althea with Avia.
Dear Nel with little Tia.
James and I, on one of our many afternoons/evenings together painting.
This is of the basement. The right hand room is the guest room, fyi.
Me. :) Painting.
Shantel, taping off the tile. I was so thankful for her help, and a bunch of other ladies that came to help one morning. We painted furiously, trying to get everything done before our carpet man was to lay it down. We did it. :)
Hannah spent a day helping us (as did Lydia - when she wasn't babysitting)
Those girls have seen a lot of paint cans. :)
Me and Shantel, before she headed up north for a week long mission trip.
Mark starting to lay down our hardwood flooring in the living room.
And to finish off this post, this was our most cutest helper. :) He was putting the wood pieces back for Daddy.

All done... :)
Enjoyed looking at your reno pics. The house is looking good :)