Anne-Marie cuddling Laura.
Katelyn checking out Laura's heartbeat. She loooves to help the midwife. It can be a bit busier for sure with her around, but she's learning, and my midwife is patient. :)
My midwife Heather - so thankful to have the support of her and the other great midwives in our area.
Anne-Marie took this shot while looking after the little ones in the mornings. :)
(thanks for letting me sleep in!)
Big brother.
Erik loves to "hold it" - is calling her by name every so often now.

We decided to put up the Christmas tree a bit earlier this year, as we'll be gone to Alberta for Christmas this year. The kids got to help - which resulted in three broken balls, but that's part of the experiance. :)
Opening an early Christmas present from Grandma Fehr - a pretty red dress to wear during the holidays.
Erik posing - (but not sure how to do it!)
He likes to be in pictures.
We went to the Windmill to do some shopping, and go for lunch (and show the staff the baby!) before taking Anne-Marie to the airport later on.
The last cuddles...
I should've thought of this before - getting one picture of the dear aunt and three kiddos together before she left, but at least we grabbed it at the airport.
Kisses goodbye, and off she left.
So thankful for the time she invested in our lives.
Even though she was here two weeks before the baby decided to come, it worked out well. God knew what I needed, and being discouraged and so tired before Laura came, it was great that she was here to help and distract.
Thanks Anne-Marie - and mom and dad!