Friday, November 16, 2012

Laura Brielle's Birthday

Here she is at last...
 Little Miss Laura Brielle
Born on November 14th, 8:58 p.m.
9 lbs. 13 oz.
Terribly cute
I started having contractions on Wed. around 1 a.m. in the morning, and they continued on irregularly throughout the day. It was exciting, but it still felt like they wouldn't amount to anything as it felt like I had been waiting for so long. They picked up in the afternoon, and started being around 10 minutes apart.
Being it was James and Anne-Marie's birthday, we were going to be having some dear friends Ronnie & Elizabeth over for supper, and I really didn't want to cancel. It felt like this baby would never come, and if things picked up I'd just go to our room. Supper was ready and all, and Ronnie & Elizabeth were game to try coming. But right before they arrived, contractions really starting picking up, and I had just enough time to say hi to them when they came, give a quick tour of our upstairs, and go lie down in our room. I didn't see them anymore after that, which was too bad, but they were sweet to still come for the birthday party. :)
We called our midwife at 6:30 p.m. - she got here at 7 p.m. and things kept moving ahead. I was at 6 cm, which felt like to me - it would take a long time - but my midwife Heather, was like nope - it's moving quickly. And yup - they did.
This labor was different than the other two - faster and harder. Katelyn's birth was quite peaceful and steady. Erik's was fast, a bit panicky but smooth. This one was fast, but with no time to enjoy the labor - if that makes sense. :) I felt like I came to the point of "I can't do it anymore" almost too quickly, which scared me. Lots of prayers and encouragement, and transition time came. That 1-2 minutes of quiet was amazing, but then the next phase began where I didn't think I could do it anymore... This babe took more work to bring into the world, and I was super done in by the end. But the baby came - praise be to God - and it was a GIRL! :)
We were both surprised, happy and excited!
So Laura Brielle Heikoop was born.
The next couple hours were wonderful and a bit crazy.
Our dear company had left 5 minutes before she was born. They were so lovely to put up with all the busyness, and I'm so glad that Anne-Marie at least, got to have a bit of a birthday party. Katelyn and Erik had been picked up by Auntie Diane around 7:30 p.m. so that was nice to have them our of the way :) - though Katelyn dearly wanted to "help the midwife".
Another midwife came just before the baby was born, and Will and Deanna had stopped by after kids club to wish James a "happy birthday" not knowing that the baby was on it's way - so they just continued on their merry way - just missing the baby. :)
Then about a half hour after she was born, Rob and Mark had stopped by to pick up a car, and James had them wait until Laura could be brought out to the living room for a quick viewing. :)
Then we just got a bit of family time in to enjoy this new little gift.
The three of us - a couple hours after she was born.
Poor little girl - her head is all smooshed in a hat. :)
Our amazing midwife Heather, doing the rest of her checkup.
Weighing the chubbers - Heather said she could have almost been 9 lbs. 14 oz - so close, but we stuck to 13. :)
Anne-Marie got to come in and finally meet the little girl born on her birthday. :)
 I'm pretty sure she likes her.
James calling the family.
It definitely takes a while to call everyone between the two families. :)
The birthday trio.
I was following in my mom, and mother in law's footsteps by having a baby on the 14th of November.
Around 11:30 p.m. Mom and Dad Heikoop show up on their way home from Ohio. Mom knew I had been in labor, and they were wishing James a quick happy birthday - but didn't know the baby had been born. :) James didn't say anything at first, until mom was about to go, and then smiled... :) Yup - the baby came. :) So they got to meet her just a couple hours later.
Holding my little girl. Amazing to think I have two girls!
Even though everything went smoothly, I felt like I didn't have a ton of time to just enjoy Laura at first. This labor being the hardest, I was kinda stunned for a bit, but thankfully, it didn't take too long before I could just hold and love her.
Needing some sleep I think :)
The next morning she had her first bath. We've done this herbal bath that the midwives recommend, so the water doesn't look so great, but it's healing. :) Herbs, garlic and sea salt. She cried at first - but eventually soaked it all in.
Then Auntie Diane and Uncle Brad brought the kiddo's home to meet their baby sister.
Katelyn was quite excited!! Erik had just woken up from a nap, so was kinda out of it at first.
Kisses for baby sister

Then Erik was ready to "hold it". He loved being a big boy and holding Laura. He calls her "Dorta". :) Katelyn had run downstairs to get her "sister" a rattle. Cause you know, all babies need rattles.
Big brother
Then James and Anne-Marie finally got to open up the rest of their birthday gifts. :)
(with much help from Katelyn)

Shantelle dropped by to meet the babe

Henry and Heather shocked me by coming all the way to meet Laura. The rascals. I told them to wait, but they showed their love to us anyways. :) Heather got the girls the most adorable matching dresses. Can't wait to dress them up!
Uncle William holding his latest niece.
So there you go - the latest from this growing family of FIVE!
"But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
-1 Corinthians 15:57


  1. So happy for you, Elizabeth, and that this new little one arrived safely!

  2. Now you've really made me happy, Lizzie, to see all these wonderful pictures!! I'm so glad you girls are so good at taking pictures. It makes me feel a little like I am there with you. I can't wait to hold this little bundle at Christmas time. Bless you. Now, make sure you get rest, Lizzie!! XOXO Love, MOM

  3. What a great update!!! I'm thrilled to meet little Laura and look forward to meeting her in person!!! Hope you can get some good sleep and special time with your kiddos! Congratulations Lizzie, James, Katelyn & Erik!

  4. SO amazed at the miracle of life and the intricacy of every part! Truly what an amazing God we served! Praying God's special blessing on you and James as you seek to raise this precious little one in His ways! Love you all so very much!

  5. Congratulations! She is beautiful! Wishing you all of God's blessings. Looking forward to seeing your new addition grow with the family--love seeing the pictures and reading your blog; it's so inspiring, so thank you.
