Monday, September 16, 2013

First Day of School!!

Well, I've been a teacher for one week, of a very cute JK girl.
Katelyn loves her school work, and can't wait to do it every day.
Thus begins the days of homeschooling for this family - we'll see how God leads us.
The perfect little homeschooler - jean jumper and all. Poor girl. What her mother does to her.
She was so excited to start JK, and has done really well.
Working on her lines...
Proud to be doing school.


  1. so cute ... I wish Katie and Nathan could do some stuff together for school ... but Julia and Nathan will just have to work at it:) Good for you mom ... may your year be BLESSED:)

  2. Ahh - so fun to watch your little girl grow up! She`ll do amazing and so will you:)
