Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ten Months!!

It's getting harder to take Laura's pictures, as she doesn't want to sit still very long.
Everything is a game. :) I remember these few months - from 7-11 being, active couch "sessions".
It only lasts for a couple minutes, and it's busy. :) But cute.
Laura's latest:
-Climbing up all the stairs
-Folding her hands to pray
-Climbing up the bunk bed later
-Saying da-da
-Crawling as fast as she can to the toilet to play in the water
(even when you're chasing her)
-Experiencing her first pigtail (antennae)
-Still loves playing in water. (bathtub is a splasher's dream) She doesn't mind at all to fall right in, and get soaked; just turns over and gets right back with hardly missing a breath. 

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