Friday, January 3, 2014

Whitebird Christmas Party

Whitebird has their Christmas party on Christmas Eve at noon, so we headed out there, and enjoyed a fun afternoon with the staff and their families in the warehouse beside the main building.
I took a bunch of staff pictures before the lunch, which was both fun, and scary. :)
Here's one of a cute little girl that darted in, between photographing the different staff members - just so you can kinda see what I did. :)
Good old foam board behind me, to bounce my flash back, and foam behind her. :)
After a yummy lunch, Henry talked for a few minutes about the past year, and how God has led the buisness.
Hannah and Laura.
Then it was time for a tug-of-war between the different departments... Warehouse guys vs. Drivers was first.
The truck drivers won the first round!
The kiddo's watching.
Then it was the Office Men vs. the Sales Team.
I was cheering for these guys!!! And they so won. :)
The little ones had a turn too. :)
Little boys against the girls. :)
Then it was the final round between the drivers, and the sales team. Heavy competition going on here...
They tried so hard....but the Driver's won. Despite James taking off his shoes and socks for more grip. :) (it was rumored that William jumped in on the Driver's side, cause the sales guys were winning...)
Then it was time for the giveaways, a couple quick speeches, and then we all visited for a bit, and headed on home.... to our little family's Christmas evening.
At home, Katelyn decided all on her own, that she needed to wash daddy's feet (which had gotten quite dirty during the tug-of-war. So she got everything together (with a bit of help from James) and spent quite a while, washing his feet. It was so sweet - and encouraging to see the kid's think about helping, and serving someone other than themselves. Katelyn wanted to give him a snack and water too - little spa time for dear old Dad. :)

1 comment:

  1. This photo of Katy washing her dad's feet is so precious! What a honey! This warms my heart so!

    Auntie Annie
