Friday, November 2, 2018

A Quick Hospital Visit

On September 11th, Jason finally had his circumcision which was in Burlington. It was an early morning and we waited and played together until his surgery. How we got into this surgery was an incredible blessing, and it went so well.  
So happy! Right before... and then they took him from me - and that was kinda sad... but 
One hour and a bit later, he was back in my arms - droopy, and cuddling. 
And back to happy again. 
Then chewing on his IV line. :) 
A miracle of the day happened right before we left. I had brought Jason's blood requisition to see if they got get enough blood drawn when they did his IV. It is so hard to get any blood from him. 
The surgeon was wonderful - but they tried 4 times, and no luck - so just as we were about to leave (they were going to take his IV out) I asked if they could try again. The nurse called the lab and they came up to day surgery (which she didn't think they would be able to do ) and I explained how he has been poked for 16 times - like 5 hours, with no blood being able to be gotten. 
But they were so great - and kind - and on the first try - FIRST TRY - people, they got his blood! I had tears - it was so wonderful and saved us another trip to the hospital. Thankful to the Lord for that blessing. 
Then home to cuddle. 

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