Monday, November 29, 2021

The Last Days before Baby

This picture was from celebrating Deanna's birthday, just a few days before Michael was born. We went on a long walk in the city, as we were in another lockdown, but could gather outside for a walk and bonfire. 
This time was such a good time of fellowship, and we had one conversation that will always stick out to me. It was about something we've learned/are learning with covid - and what we hope for, in this coming year. My thoughts were on heaven, and how it seems so much closer. How I want my children to live with the expectant reality of heaven, and not treat it like a distant concept. But that it would become normal conversations, and an exciting reality in all our minds.
Then a couple days later, I went into labor with Michael, and we thought heaven would be coming very soon for him... thus bringing heaven into many conversations. God was answering that hope I have...and continues to do so with our precious little Michael. 

1 comment:

  1. What a precious conversation God gave you and your children at this time.
