Thursday, December 9, 2021

November 2021 - More Life

Laura, enjoying her bday present of a chef's hat and apron while making waffles
Kayla getting a snuggle with Michael. 
Charity - one of the nannies that kept us from sinking during Michael's hospital stay -came to see us.
Deanna and I - after their year photo shoot. 
Playing on the boy's bed. 
Making airplanes (a gift from Heather and the girls) and then we flew them in the gym. 

Getting bathtime in - with lots of loving in between. 

Going off to work somewhere. 
So much cuteness
The day Kayla showed the kids here engagement ring - announcing her and Derek's plans!

Lots of cuddles.

Kitten cuddles.
Daddy cuddles. 
I think in the middle of this, was when we got the 'vid. We had Ben and Deanna staying with us for a week while they did work, staged and then sold their house... and in that time, all the kids got a stomach bug. That made for lots of fun, and me and Deanna running into each other at 3 am cleaning up throwup... good memories. Then a couple days later, I was positive... and thus began our quarantine. ;) That was back in the days when it was 2 weeks...but then James got it... so it was almost a month of quiet. And it was well needed. We really enjoyed our time at home with just us, so while a few days of sickness was not fun, and the tiredness - crazy... (especially since some of Michael's night nurses were unable to come) it was still a gift, and we came through it fine. 

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