Everything is going really well here, and it's starting to feel more like home. Work has slowed down, which has given me more time at home, which I love. I've done a bunch of organizing around the house, and finally got my wedding pictures 'published' in a 'coffee table' type of book through http://www.mypublisher.com/ which turned out so well! I was so glad to get that done, and now have most of my honeymoon pictures developed so I can start scrapbooking them. I haven't been as homesick, and James and I are having such a wonderful life together. He is so perfect for me - balances me out, is super patient with me, and loves me just the way I am. God has blessed us so much. I look around and think - 'are newlywed's supposed to be so comfortable'? The Lord has provided everything we need, and more. I love cooking meals for us, and having others over every once in a while is fun too.
Hammy, our little one, is doing well, and next week I have another checkup, and FINALLY get to hear the heartbeat. It's neat to see the baby get bigger, and thus me get bigger...and we're getting more and more excited all the time to think that in 5 more months Lord willing, we'll have our little one to raise.
We've had lots of snow lately, with a whole lot more to come, making it a beautiful winter wonderland around here. We have a kind neighbor, that often will take his bobcat/or pickup with a 'pusher' (whatever you call those things in front -the shovel) :) and take a couple sweeps and clean our driveway off.
Yesterday was such fun, as I caught up on a bunch of things, and did one of my first more 'creative' activites since being married I think. :) Putting pictures and verses in our CD holder... :) One side I did of our wedding/and marriage verses, the other of our honeymoon, and other favorite verses, and the other one, an 'anniversary' picture, siblings and dad pictures. :) It is a lot of fun to have a printer again, and to be able to fun projects like this, that makes our house our home. :)
So there you go...I'm caught up with pictures, and now you know what's going on with us. :)
Just checking to see if this works for Charissa's sake. :)-Liz