Saturday, March 27, 2010
Nine Months!
Our afternoon with Aleita
My longtime friend Aleita K. from Alberta was on her way home from working in the states for a while, and had a long layover in Toronto. That worked out perfectly, as James and I got to spend the afternoon with her. I hadn't seen her since our wedding, so it was special for her to meet our Katie and to get to know James a bit more.
Katelyn and Aleita.
Our Family picture on a walk at the Toronto Botanical Gardens. Chilly but fun to chat with Aleita.
Katelyn's first sighting of Canadian Geese.
Daddy loves his girl. She loves being with him and of course, being outdoors.
In the High Chair
I'm so thankful for this high chair that a friend lent me until we can find just what we want. Katelyn doesn't mind being in there, and at times, for quite a while. :) Even in the little things, God provides.

Yesterday morning, I spilled her applesauce/pears all over her...mommy's fault, but thankfully the camera was right there to show this disaster. :) Needless to say, bathtime came next.
Another bouquet of flowers... I was wondering who would sent the flowers and why, as I thought that it was too long ago for anyone to send flowers over our baby...but indeed it was. It was from James' friend Brendon M. and yes, for our baby.... So thoughtful of him, and they are such gorgeous flowers. I'm so blessed.
The Daae Family
Seeing friends from "out west" is very meaningful to me. And last week, I got to see and hear the Daae's from Saskatchewan. Our family has sung with them a bit over the last couple years, and I've gotten to know Shannon through rare face to face visits, and over e-mail- a kindred spirit.
James and I saw them sing in Tillonsburg - so many of their songs hit home - as they sang about heaven - thinking of Yachal. :)
Going to the Park!
A couple weeks ago, we went for our first park experiance as a family! It was fun, chilly and special to introduce the play things of childhood to our baby. After we played around for a bit, we climbed in the back of the car, with blankets and pillows, and ate icecream treats. :) Special moments.
Back and forth with Daddy...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Aunty Charissa!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
These past few posts have been a bit sad, but it wasn't to get you all down...whoever you are that is reading this. :) All these posts on the baby just help me to keep going, and express my thoughts and tears..and joy. :) And of course for my family at home, to show what's been going on in our lives.
So this picture (taken yesterday) will hopefully make you smile. :) We're doing well, and full of joy...spring is coming, and it feels so delightful!
On a date with the family at Tim Hortans. :)
So this picture (taken yesterday) will hopefully make you smile. :) We're doing well, and full of joy...spring is coming, and it feels so delightful!
...Til Heaven...
Last night we buried out baby, which was special. It had stopped raining, so we could do it, and the timing was just right. Like I said to James, "I want to get the baby out of the house, but I don't want the baby out of the house." It's time to move on, yet with sweet memories. :) We're doing well, and every day I feel better.
Yachal's little spot.
We post a couple poems on some stationary and lamineted it - just some thoughts of our baby. One was just a nice poem we found, and the other was by James.
Precious Little One
I'm just a precious little one who didn't make it there
I went straight to be with Jesus but I'm waiting for you there
Many dwelling here where I live waited years to enter in
Struggled through a world of sorrow, a world marred with pain & sin.
Thank-you for the life you gave mel; it was brief but don't complain.
I have all Heaven's Glory, suffered none of earth's great pain.
Thank-you for the name you gave me, I'd have love bring God fame.
But if I'd lingered here in earth's shadows, I would have suffered just the same.
So sweet family-don't you sorrow, wipe those tears and chase the gloom.
I went straight to Jesus' arms, from my loving mother's womb.
-Author Unknown
"I hardly knew my family, but someone told me this,
That spending time with Bonnie in this heaven of bliss,
Will give me an idea of what my mother's like,
And her and I are chanting...
'Continue on the fight'."
-James Heikoop
Monday, March 15, 2010
Our littlest One - with Jesus
Life changes so have dreams, expectations of what life will be during the next 9 months. You plan for your next one, excited about having a Christmas picture with two muchkins on it, gear up for maternity clothes-sewing new skirts 'cause longer maternity skirts are almost impossible to find... you start setting projects aside, knowing that with two, you won't be able to keep up with it all, and right now, all the energy you have is put into the basic things of life. It's the first trimester...and pretty soon, you'll have that energy that comes with the fourth month...
But, God had something else in mind. Something I didn't want, but I accept. Last Tuesday, I started bleeding...but though worried & wondering, I knew everything might be alright. Lots of prayers, and waiting...til the next afternoon, the cramping started. Our midwife agreed that it probably was the dreaded miscarriage...more tears...and with James, we pleaded for God to spare out little one's life. Then at 9:15 p.m. on Wednesday, we met out precious little baby. It was so not in the way we wanted it to be, but it was in God's way. We got to hold our little one, something I had wanted to do - badly - as soon as I knew it was a miscarriage. And what a privilege that was. How many parents out there actually get to spend some time with their baby, holding it, and grieving it's loss? It was such a gift from God. We even took pictures, which will be special for us to keep.
The baby though 13 weeks along, must have died around 8-9 was so very small. We gave it a name - Yachal (yaa-caal) -Hebrew for: trusting in the Lord - hoping continually in Him....and through the passing of time we have this hope. We didn't know the gender so we did one of those neutral names. :) And of course in Hebrew, it sounds a bit different, but it's our babie's name. :)
I know in some ways, miscarriages are normal - almost every woman goes through it. In some ways, it's not a big deal, there were probably some deformities in the child, so it wouldn't have survived anyways. Obviously God knows the best for us, and it's in His love that He took Yachal home. It's like when you think of it, it's all fine...then when you really think about it, it's just not that fine. Our baby is gone...but yet, when really really think about it from God's perspective, it's fine, and even wonderful. Yet, there still are tears, and kind of a re-grouping, as you think ahead to life, summer/fall..etc, without our newborn with us. But God is so good, and we are at peace with this change of life.
James has been the most amazing man, so faithful and loving, helping me through this time. Despite the events, I am grateful to God for being able to share this heartache together, and for the tears, joys and moments we had. James is so good to me.
We're going to bury Yachal by Bonnie's grave, which will be special. Bring extra meaning to life for me in Mount Pleasant, where part of me will be lying still in the graveyard, but alive with Jesus! So many heaven songs have a greater resounding to my heart...and really, how special it is that I have my own child waiting to meet me in heaven!
Our Katelyn - such a joy bringer during the tough moments.
Crooked picture...but playing inside a laundry hamper! (thanks Aleita!!!)
Resting - still have a lot of back pain, but laying down feels good. :) So I'll soak in the rest. James, my faithful incredible husband made me a long straw...:) So I didn't have to reach for my water. We did have to go to the hospital a day later with a retained placenta. But now it's gone, and without a d & c - which is another blessing from God! All that tires one out. :)
Flowers from our church here...Everyone has been so amazing, so thoughtful. I'm blessed.
Flowers from Diane, William, Nelly and Brad. So gorgeous. My family here, has been so supportive, and loving - bringing me food, Mom has been looking after Katelyn a lot as I'm trying to get extra rest, little gifts, Heather into running to town to bring me some necessary items, e-mails, thankful for all them. God knows what we need.
But, God had something else in mind. Something I didn't want, but I accept. Last Tuesday, I started bleeding...but though worried & wondering, I knew everything might be alright. Lots of prayers, and waiting...til the next afternoon, the cramping started. Our midwife agreed that it probably was the dreaded miscarriage...more tears...and with James, we pleaded for God to spare out little one's life. Then at 9:15 p.m. on Wednesday, we met out precious little baby. It was so not in the way we wanted it to be, but it was in God's way. We got to hold our little one, something I had wanted to do - badly - as soon as I knew it was a miscarriage. And what a privilege that was. How many parents out there actually get to spend some time with their baby, holding it, and grieving it's loss? It was such a gift from God. We even took pictures, which will be special for us to keep.
The baby though 13 weeks along, must have died around 8-9 was so very small. We gave it a name - Yachal (yaa-caal) -Hebrew for: trusting in the Lord - hoping continually in Him....and through the passing of time we have this hope. We didn't know the gender so we did one of those neutral names. :) And of course in Hebrew, it sounds a bit different, but it's our babie's name. :)
I know in some ways, miscarriages are normal - almost every woman goes through it. In some ways, it's not a big deal, there were probably some deformities in the child, so it wouldn't have survived anyways. Obviously God knows the best for us, and it's in His love that He took Yachal home. It's like when you think of it, it's all fine...then when you really think about it, it's just not that fine. Our baby is gone...but yet, when really really think about it from God's perspective, it's fine, and even wonderful. Yet, there still are tears, and kind of a re-grouping, as you think ahead to life, summer/fall..etc, without our newborn with us. But God is so good, and we are at peace with this change of life.
James has been the most amazing man, so faithful and loving, helping me through this time. Despite the events, I am grateful to God for being able to share this heartache together, and for the tears, joys and moments we had. James is so good to me.
We're going to bury Yachal by Bonnie's grave, which will be special. Bring extra meaning to life for me in Mount Pleasant, where part of me will be lying still in the graveyard, but alive with Jesus! So many heaven songs have a greater resounding to my heart...and really, how special it is that I have my own child waiting to meet me in heaven!
-Yachal Heikoop-
Gave you back to Jesus March 10th, 2010
Music Lessons
We pray for Katelyn to love music and to be able to play some instrument, and already she loves to be around when James is playing the guitar (she wants to be with him) or likes to reach the piano keys and play the notes, sometimes 'singing' along. Rather cute. :)
Musical Hands...I love this picture. Katelyn's playing a "chord" the best she knows how...
Katelyn's First Job
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Our First Snowman
Just a Day Around...
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