Tuesday, March 16, 2010


These past few posts have been a bit sad, but it wasn't to get you all down...whoever you are that is reading this. :) All these posts on the baby just help me to keep going, and express my thoughts and tears..and joy. :) And of course for my family at home, to show what's been going on in our lives.

So this picture (taken yesterday) will hopefully make you smile. :) We're doing well, and full of joy...spring is coming, and it feels so delightful!
On a date with the family at Tim Hortans. :)


  1. Your sad posts made me choke up and this one made me want to cry even more... but good tears! Tears of missing my Lizzy, which is a good thing, because it means I love you a ton! Happy celebration tears (because girls are crazy and we cry over happy things) that you have such a beautiful little family who love you to pieces. I want to kiss that adorable, bald little head!!!
