Just a few pictures of little joys around our house the past while...

Like James making the first 'tent' with Katelyn yesterday afternoon. :) It was pretty cute. I absolutely love watching them together. They have so much fun!

Such a blessing to be able to have access to more fruit over here. This was some of the apricot jam I made last week, with more apricots put away to make more in the future. Right now, that jam is me and Katelyn's favorite for morning toast.

And it's so wonderful to have Sarah around again. (though right now she is the states about to write her last test on Wednesday!) A friend of her's from Mercy Maternity in the Philippines came for a week too, which was really special. Bea is from Switzerland and a very sweet gal. We had a lovely evening together a couple weeks ago.
Your jam looks yummy! =)