Thursday, September 29, 2011

Big Girl

 Kate is becoming such a big help around here.
Here's she is learning to feed Erik for mommy.
It was a pretty cute sight. Erik cooperated quite well, opening his mouth and the right time, until taking the spoon away from Katy.
 I canned some red pepper jelly, and with the rest of the cut up peppers, Katelyn bagged them for me to freeze.
Little "miss cheesy" grin.
It's so neat to have her help more, with her enjoying it.
She is mommy's big help in:
-help set the table - putting the forks and knives beside the table
- is pretty good at putting her toys away
-put Erik's diapers in the garbage
-pushing the stroller and other such adorableness to "help" mommy.


  1. So enjoyed these photos, Liz! What a beautiful thing for this auntie-figure-person to watch these little women blossom under their mother's contented, joyful hands!

  2. Liz, what is your email address? Mine is
    I want to email you something. This is Charlotte Andres here, remember me? We share the same birthdate. I'll be 50 on my next birthday.
