Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Friend's Visit

Even though we were married only two months a part, and have lived thousands and thousands of miles away from each times clear across the world from the other, we've still seen each other every year since our own marriages began.
And now, our little girl's play together...
...well mostly. :)
Katelyn and Kilmeny going down the slide between raindrops.
A "dessert tea party" after supper.
Breanne reading a story to the girls before bedtime.
The friends and their darlings.
{four of them}
-photo by Jared-
Jared, Breanne, Kilmeny and their new treasure, Khaira.
Such a lovely time, talking and catching up on their lives.
I love it, when you're with friends, how you don't always need to "do" something to have fun or to make memories...just to visit, and have lots to share together is more than enough... fact, there's usually not enough time.
{'til next time}

1 comment:

  1. Oh Liz, I loved this. Our time with you was such a highlight for me and I treasure the time we had together. Just wish it was longer...=)
    Love these pictures! Love the one of the girls at the park! =)
