Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Autumn Day

After doing two photo shoots one Saturday - afterwards we went to our local orchard and walked around, picked up apples, and went through the (dying) corn maze. :) 
Laura, Katy and Erik
Laura, Amy & Katy doing their pose. 

Our rascal - aka. resident monkey. 

Not sure how we got this crazy look - but I think I said be funny.... 

But she didn't want to..

Running through the straw bale obstacle course - which was not an obstacle course... :) but they still had funn. 

And every time we try to get a GROUP picture, someone is crying... 
Good and chilly times. 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! I love that last picture! LOL! I still can't believe you have FIVE kids!!!
