Monday, December 31, 2018

Christmas Newsletter

    DECEMBER 2018
Merry Christmas!
One thing I love about this time of year, is how it reminds us how that God is involved in the mundane. He takes a low class, humble, unnoticed girl, and turns her everyday working life into incredible -by making her the mother of Christ. Her life didn’t become amazing or exhilarating; she had a hard beginning with being an unwed mother, the challenges of Bethlehem, and to watch her Son crucified. But God used Mary. She obeyed Him – as she mothered His Son, and in the mundane normalness of life, experienced an incredible gift of loving the Savior of the world.

A Christmas letter is a highlight reel of the year, but it’s not often able to capture what God is doing in the mundane of our lives. Heaven will make up for this – as we share, how the Savior transformed and redeemed our everyday – while we changed the diapers, taught someone how to read, how to forgive a sibling, went to work and made another meal. God works, and I’m so thankful that our Great God cares about every little detail in our lives.

Now for some of 2018 highlights:

Dad & Mom Fehr came in May to spend some time together, and making it possible for me to go to our Homeschool Conference. Having them here is pretty great for us all – the kids getting some Grandma and Grandpa time in. Mom & Dad have had a full and challenging year – Mom being diagnosed with early Parkinson’s in the summer, and Dad having a few scary encounters with his hereditary angiderma (swelling of the lips, mouth, cheek and/or tongue) – where he couldn’t talk, and at least once, couldn’t breathe. We are thankful for the medical help he has received, but the swelling is getting harder to control. God has allowed it all, and seeing Mom and Dad continue on with joy and peace is a beautiful testimony to us.

We traveled to Alberta in early July for our bi-annual Fehr family get together on the farm. We enjoyed our time with everyone so much. Getting to tube the Milk River again after 10 years – this time our kids- hike in Waterton, work around the farm – a definite highlight - and spend time with the cousins and siblings all was such a treat. We also got to spend a few days with Marvin & Marlene on the way there and back.

Friends Jared & Breanne Mosher came for a few days in August on their way home from an across country road trip. Thankful for the ways we can keep up with different friends & family. James & Heather (and one of my nephews, Adam) came in November for a few days which was such a treat.
In September it was time for our annual Heikoop cottage week with as much of the family as can make it! Lots of fishing, and playing in the sand was enjoyed along with swimming and” Code Names” into the late night. Then we started our 5th year of homeschooling, and while it’s very full time and often overwhelming, I still feel privileged that we get to do this as a family.
Jason 1- A whole year with this dude. He started sitting at 5.5 months, and crawling around 11 months, and is now cruising around furniture. He has his baby talk, but it’s getting close to words. We are so proud of our little guy who definitely makes life more interesting and sweeter. We have a number of therapists that have started working with him, as well as a dear lady from our church Mary Potter – who comes and plays/works with him. His ball throwing skills are doing superb! For his first year I often felt discouraged when his milestones weren’t met, but I’m learning not to worry, and just enjoy him where he’s at. And to just celebrate everything he is doing right now!

Leanne 2- Our firecracker. The cutest little thing on the planet when life is moving along in her direction. 😉 She is now “trained” which is a wonderful gift. She has the best eyes, and the cutest words, and we’re excited that the terrific threes are just around the corner. She has a zest for life that my parents probably thought I had at her age, though I don’t think that strong of a will! She definitely makes life extra fun.
Amy 4 – She joined the 8 weeks of Central Soccer with the other kids in the spring. She loves when we work on her reading, and is a big help with Leanne when I’m working with the other kids. She is also my veggie/cheese cutter for meal prep. Amy is our accessory girl – and loves all things purses, scarves, and jewelry. I finally got her some actual kid’s bracelets, as my hair elastics were always piled up on her wrists.
Laura 6- Doing so well in Grade one and a diligent little soul, this girl keeps us laughing with her random humor and quirky expressions. She is such a servant, and is a big help with Jason who adores her. She is constantly doing cartwheels wherever she goes, often whacking some poor sibling in the head with her flying feet. We may need a bigger house just for her. Her sensitive and selfless heart wants to keep others happy.
Erik almost 8- His creativity in Lego increases, as well as his ability to think through situations. He is doing well in school, and seeing how his mind understands concepts, is a gift. Logistics are still his thing. He participated in our Homeschool co-op Track & Field Day – along with Laura & Katie earlier in the spring.
Katelyn 9- Our motivated girl who is doing well in her music and schoolwork. She is becoming my helper, and has a sweet heart that does what to do what is right. I love seeing her enjoy reading, and going through my stash of books from when I was young. Katie was able to be a part of a Girls’ Choir at a nearby church in the summer with a friend & absolutely loved it.

Us - To celebrate our 10th anniversary this year, James and I got away for 5 days on a 3-day cruise out of Florida. Having some days that were mentally relaxing was a real treat for us. Homeschooling is definitely what most of my days consist of, and I’ve also kept up with as much photography as I could in the cracks. Being a mom seems like an overwhelming gift that I need so much wisdom for. We both feel like right now it’s a time to just do what we’ve been given, and to go deeper in this work of parenting. Doesn’t sound too interesting – lot of planting seeds, and saying the same thing over to our kiddos as we teach them what we believe honors the Lord. But He is in the mundane. James’ continues his work at Whitebird, serving at our church, and being such a great dad and husband. We lost a baby at 12 weeks in the early fall, and it definitely had an impact that hurt greatly. We know His ways are higher than ours and the hope of heaven is made even more real. We love being surrounded by family and church family here – and love watching God work through them.

Thankful for all of you who reach out with letters and pictures – we definitely love seeing your faces on our picture board. You all are thought of often, and stared over by all our friends. 😊 Praying that 2019 will be another year of growth in loving and serving our God in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary.  
With love, James, Liz, Katelyn, Erik, Laura, Amy, Leanne and Jason

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