James and Katelyn calling to each other through the Christmas wrapping paper. :)

Playing the piano with vigor.

Now to the other end of the keyboard.

Making icing for cherry bread. I need to work on having Katelyn 'help' me more with cooking and baking. She loves to be around for that kind of thing. :)

While James was out that evening, Katelyn and I set up the Christmas tree. :) It's my first year ever, with an artificial tree, but it's cute and fits so much better in our little house. Dear Heather found it for us, and blessed us with it this year. (thanks Heather!) My stand was an interesting one, since the original stand got misplaced. Katelyn filled me up with branches and loved getting into all the Christmas decor. So we are working on getting the idea of not touching the ornaments around the house.

James putting lights on our 'other' tree. He was so loving to help me finish up with the decorating after his long day and evening. But at the end it looked so cozy, and we just got to enjoy it for a while before bed.
Just love your cosy little home!! Everything looks so inviting and decorated so perfectly!! Did you get your turtles made?? XOXO MOM