Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birthday Day!!!

November man's birthday! It was on a Sunday this year, so it was more low key but still special. :)
Katelyn holding up "her sign" for her daddy.
It started with breakfast in bed...
Then off to church where we had two baptism's! Both of them were saved through the summer's outreach which was really amazing. Both of them are excited to live for the Lord. This is Shantel - giving her testimony.
Patrick - giving his testimony.
Then to the Windmill for a birthday meal. And since Diane and James' birthday are a day apart, they sort of celebrate together. :)
The other table. :)
Me with my favorite birthday guy. :)
Ben helping me sing "Happy Birthday" to James over Pavlova. :)
A lovely picture of James and Diane. So thankful to be related to them both! :) I have been sooo blessed by having a sis like Diane and being challenged by her amazing attitudes and generosity to others. And, being privileged to share life with James is an incredible honor. What a godly man he is - and an awesome daddy to our little girl. God keeps showing His goodness to me...

1 comment:

  1. You made pavalova!!!! I first tried that in New Zealand and LOVE it!!! Good for you Lizzie!
