Saturday, August 20, 2011

Moving On

The time drew nearer and nearer...Henry & Heather were getting ready to move. At last. After a year a half of having their lovely home on the market, it sold. And with some last minute drama. :) Always.
I was happy. sad. excited. sad. and couldn't wait to see where God would use them next. and sad. But mostly happy. :)
We did a small family goodbye party, with a few neighbors and friends to help join in the sad fun time.
It says it all.
Deanna and Shelly posing after telling them I'm taking your picture
Eating and fellowshipping one last time in that home
 Mark with neighbors Bonnie and Ken.
 Lydia and her good friend Mallory - and two very delicious ice-cream cakes provided by Shelly.
 Singing a couple songs together in the home before we said goodbye.
The heads of this home - the ones that made everyone that walked through the doors feel so welcome, loved and special - by making them feel one of the family. Many hearts were encouraged towards authenticity and motivated to keep going - even when life was hard - by these two and their family. I came here often. But now, I'll have to go bug them at their new home as often as I can. :) (It's towards Niagara Falls, so a bit further. At least you're still in Canada for a while.) 
After a few more days of packing, they all left one Friday morning in their white van. I had some tears. They didn't spill over onto my cheeks...but filled up my eyes. :) So many that I love, leave Mount Pleasant in large white vans.... but, really, even though it's a bit sad.... it's terribly exciting....
...when you're on God's path.


  1. We're coming with our white van too, and then we'll have to leave as well, but we are going to relish it while we can and enjoy every minute of being with you all. Thanks for the wonderful pictures!! Can hardly wait to see you. It's less than 2 months now!!

  2. Sorry, the last post, if you didn't guess :o) was from mom!! XOXO
