Monday, August 29, 2011


- Darling Erik -
We still struggle through the tears, but it's not always this tragic. :)
 Still, it's good to remember these moments...that truly...will only last for a short season as I was reminded by another mom yesterday.
- Our little "in-house" artist -
This was the first time she was actually drawing something.
"An owl, mommy, I drew it", and other such animals that she was creating.
And with her left hand again...I wonder....
She still goes between the right and left; it will be interesting to see what will stick...
These little moments....special times.


  1. Love these pictures and how you captured those precious moments.

    I needed this today. Thank-you!

  2. Oh, Lizzy these are such amazing pics and your Erik is even adorable when he's crying!! It is awesome to see Katy drawing and it looks like she's enjoying this new skill!!
    Love ya!

  3. photographically speaking, these pictures are awesome! aaaand cutely speaking they're awesome too of course. your kids are absolutely the cutest little munchkins EVER!
