Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Of Squash and Singing

Erik is just starting solids - although he has had a few things before-hand... :) But now's it official.
 Time for sweet potatoes - and was he ready...
 Just let me taste those veggies.
Embracing the spoon
Last weekend we sang at the Tavistock drive-in evening service.
Everyone tunes in to a local radio station to hear the music and speaker.
A neat idea - though singing to cars isn't the same as seeing people's eyes. :)  
Brad, Oma and Opa looked after the kidlets. :)
 Katelyn peeking out
Me and my little boy.
(thanks to Rachel T. for taking all these pictures of the evening for me!)

1 comment:

  1. Eric has the most kissable looking cheeks! I always feel bittersweet about my baby eating solids. I don't like the stinky diapers and the fact that I am losing a little part of that too-short babyhood. But I am relieved that they do not need me for everything.

    That WOULD be a little different way to put on a concert. I have never heard of people just tuning in on their radios...was there not a delay??

