Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Family Day - Alexander Bell Graham Homestead

For our Family day in February, we all went swimming at the Wayne Gretzky Centre - which was great fun. Jason and I just sat in one of the warmer pools, while he splashed and laughed. I loved it. Just a time when I could focus on his joy, and share it with him with no other kiddos to distract. 
I wrote this in my instagram about that time:

Our Family Day on Monday- we had a full & fun day- going swimming at the Gretzky Centre, then to the Alexander Graham Bell homestead as they had “loonie” day... cost our crew $4! We were a little tour on our own. 😊 Them home for some Olympics... everyone enjoyed it... though we were all so tired by the end. We forgot Jason’s swim trunks which I ended up being thankful for, as he just splashed in his onesie... and ya glad I didn’t have to explain his large stomach scars to everyone... we were already an eyeful as we went between pools with 6 kids in tow. 😆 some days you just don’t feel like explaining... and Jason and I were just too busy laughing as he splashed in the water. So cute and so much fun. Katie was in her glory watching as kids in costume explained what happened in the Bell home- and all about the family. Through many trials, like Alex’s mother hearing problems, losing two sons and a grandson, they moved to Canada- where eventually Alexander invented the telephone. The family also taught their servants - usually orphan children, to read and write- also employing a deaf boy. A lot of heartache they faced, but all those trials brought about greater reward... may we see troubles as greater opportunity- even if it’s hard. And yes, that may be explaining some scars the next time we go swimming- at least if we remember Jason’s adorable swimming trunks. 😍
The homestead

This was the first "voice to text" (actually Morse code) invention. 

We were our own little tour - as a family of 8 - a lady asked us as we trooped up the stairs, "are you all brothers and sisters"? And for some reason it threw me off - maybe cause there were many people watching, and I just wanted to fade into the background... but yes, we are - and you could tell that she thought we were kinda interesting to observe... :) Oh, to be a good testimony - in sincerity and humility - just be who we are, and may that be a light. 

Those boxes on top were the phones you could rent for a month - in our currency today, it would like be $200 a month for one of those...with very few people to even ring up!
Different phone models through the years. 

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