I wrote this on Instagram... and thought I'd add this here too...
3/21- World Down Syndrome Day... now a date that we “celebrate”. Mismatched socks and all.
😉 (I made a dollar store stop as we now only have boring black or white socks in the house). And while I have moments- like a lot this past week- where I am still in a grieving process... I know with all of my
❤️ that God allowed this for a reason. And Jason is so precious and loved.

And we pray, he will be used for Gods glory.
Life is precious- no matter how cute, how able, or how much it costs. My heart aches for the many babies aborted because they have DS, or those in other countries where they are left alone in orphanages to be tied in a crib with very little care. God cares and asks us all to remember the fatherless, the neglected ones- and to show them that He is love. That each one has value- regardless of their abilities or physical attraction. Not because they are “perfect” or even “imperfect”, but because God calls us to love. We live in a broken world- because of sin- and some of us are more visibly broken than others... but I’m pretty sure their soul is a lot more whole than the “unbroken” typical person. And I thank God that though I don’t always want this journey- I’m so very thankful for our Jason
Had to get a shot of his chubby hands and mismatched socks.
(for those of you, that was like me... the whole mismatched socks thing is just celebrating diversity and how each person adds color to life. No matter their physical abilities).
We value them.
All the kiddos.
They all love him so much. The older two are still figuring out - along with me - how having Down syndrome looks... the other kids don't get anything else yet. :) Just that he's cute and lovable.
Jason had just woken up from a nap, and Lee-Lee was going down for a nap, so I had to get the shot then, even if Jason didn't have a ton of spare smiles. Emily helped corral the kiddos, and get the socks in the right spots. :)
Had to add my socks too :)
So many feet to teach, to lead, to let go of... "Oh God, show us how. Keep them following You."
We celebrate more - because of YOU Jason. :)
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